- parameter online adjustment 在线调参
- Parameters online adjustment 在线调参
- Abstract: A singleneuron selfadaptive method is introduced and proposes a method for online adjustment. 摘要:介绍了一种单神经元自适应控制的方法,并提出了在线调整的方法。
- As part of claims systems, online adjustment processing for the correction of and historic maintenance of overpayments (refunds) and underpayments should also be available. 作为申请系统的一部份,为更改和历史维护多余支付的(可退款的)和支付不足而设置的在线调节进程,应该也可用。
- Due to the uncertainness of the crane mathematic model, it is difficult for conventional PID controller to adjust the parameters online and the load swing cannot be controlled effectively. 由于桥式起重机的数学模型具有不确定性的特点,常规的PID控制器不易在线调整,难以对摆角进行有效的控制。
- This paper presents an adaptive data fusion method which uses a fuzzy logic controller to online adjust the Kalman filter, and focuses on its application to the integrated GPS/INS navigation. 摘要提出了一种利用模糊逻辑控制器来在线调节卡尔曼滤波器的自适应数据融合方法,并着重研究了其在GPS/INS组合导航中的应用。
- LS parameter online identification 最小二乘法
- fuzzy control of online adjusting parameter 参数在线自调整
- Refer to netmeeting online help for using other netmeeting functionality. 使用NetMeeting其它功能,请参阅NetMeeting联机帮助。
- Spend by each department have to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内。
- You may use an online printer to print out the data. 你可以使用联机打印机把数据打印出来。
- Revise parameter and adjust position without stopping the machine. 生产过程中无需停机即可实时修改参数、整位置。
- Self-checkout is actually to adjust some parameter of flickermeter. 自校验实际上是对仪器的某些参数进行校准。
- The LIM runs more stably and efficiently by using a special compensative control algorithms and tracing the most traction and revising parameter online; 该系统采用独特的补偿控制算法、最大牵引力跟踪和在线参数校正,提高了车辆直线电机运行的稳定性和牵引力;
- Add "Wiggly" Property from "Add:" Mini Menu. Adjust Parameter. 调整设置他们的参数.
- Then its weight is used to adjust PID controller parameter con... 实验结果表明了该方法的有效性。
- Whiteboarding also facilitates online meetings. 白板也方便了在线会议。
- Joy Chou had a live online interview last night. 昨晚有一个乔伊?周的网上现场采访。
- Online adjusting of pre-controlling parameters in four-high aluminum foil mill 四辊铝箔轧机预控参数在线整定
- The computer might not support online working. 计算机不能承载联机工作。