- States the affirmation process and treatment measure of steam flow excited vibration of the unit.Puts forward some opinions on the problem of steam flow excited vibration. 阐述了机组发生汽流激振的确认过程及处理措施;并对汽流激振的一些问题提出一些看法.
- The synchronizations of two uncoupled integral and fractional order chaotic modified heartbeat systems are accomplished by parameter excited synchronization. 另外经由参数激发法使得两个非耦合的整数阶或分数阶变革式心搏系统达到同步。
- Many kinds of vibrations caused by aerodynamic on large power plant equipment are introduced: the vibrations caused by rotation stall and vortex, surge and excited vibration. 介绍了大型电站设备中几种常见气动力诱导的振动:旋转失速和旋涡诱导的振动、喘振及间隙气流激振。
- self - excited vibration frequency 自振频率
- The parametrically excited roll motion of ship in following waves can aroseunstable rolling, which is the main cause of ship capsizing. 随浪中船舶的参数激励横摇运动,可以引起船舶的不稳定横摇,是随浪中船舶倾覆的主要原因之一。
- In the fourth chapter, the asymptotic solutions of the parametrically excited systems have been gotten. 第四章用规范形理论求出了参数激励系统的近似解。
- A simplified model is formulated in this paper to take account for the parametrically excited roll motion of a RoRo-ship in irregular following waves. 本文针对驶上驶下船在不规则艉浪中考虑参数激振横摇运动,推导简化之分析模式。
- Pleasure clip , when clipping the nipple, as the exciting vibration moves the nipples, it will lead to the stimulating high! 趣味乳链,当夹住乳头时,随着兴奋的颤动扯拉乳头时,将会把你带入刺激的顶点!
- Licht, L. and Fuller, D.D., “Self Excited Vibrations of an Air-Lubricated Thrust Bearing”, Trans. of the ASME, vol.80(2), pp.411-414,1958. 黄启华,虚拟口形气浮导轨之精密线性滑动平台特性分析,国立云林科技大学机械工程系硕士论文,2001。
- Parametrically excited double pendulum belongs to 2 degree freedom time-varying system, it is a basis to study nonlinear dynamics of multi-degree freedom system and elastic beam. 摘要参数激励双摆属两自由度时变系统,是研究多自由度系统以及弹性体梁参激振动的基础。
- This paper presents a survey of dynamic characteristics of turbine generator units, in faults, such as interference of foundation, rub impact , oil film eddy, looseness,rotor misalignment, steam exciting vibration, and so on. 分析了汽轮发电机组在基础干扰、碰摩、油膜涡动、松动、转子不对中、气流激振等故障发生时系统的动力学特性 ,给出了力学模型。
- The children were very excited by the pantomime. 孩子们看了童话剧非常兴奋。
- The excited horse flung about in the stall. 受惊的马在马厩里乱冲乱踢。
- The boys broke into shrill, excited cheering. 男孩子们突然迸发出刺耳的兴奋的欢呼声。
- Treating and thinking about steam flow excited vibration of the unit 对机组发生汽流激振的处理及思考
- The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob. 球迷群情激昂,一窝蜂涌进球场。
- Balance of engine's exciting vibration sources while the engine normally vibrated was analyzed, the engine vibrating forms on the frame were discussed. 摘要分析了多缸发动机正常振动时激振源的平衡性,以及发动机在车架上的振动形式。
- Your remark excited him to jealousy. 你的话引起了他的嫉妒。
- The good news excited everybody. 这个好消息使每一个人都很兴奋。
- The pure loss of stability,the parametric excitation and the broaching are the main reasons for capsizing of ships sailing in waves. 船舶在波浪中航行,纯稳性丧失、参数激振和横甩是造成船舶倾覆的主要原因。