- paranoid melancholia 类偏狂性抑郁症
- A paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged. 怀疑电话可能被窃听的多疑猜测
- My father locks every door in the house as he is paranoid about being robbed. 我父亲患有妄想狂,常感到家里会失窃,所以总是把每扇门都锁上。
- She relapsed into melancholia [silence]. 她又变得郁郁寡欢 [沉默寡言] 。
- Was melancholia often gotten crankily after abort? 打胎后经常胡思乱想是不是得了忧郁症啊?
- He became more paranoid than ever. 他的迫害狂变得比过去任何时候都严重了。
- She inclines towards melancholia . 她有忧郁症的倾向。
- She inclines towards melancholia. 她有忧郁症的倾向。
- Can the person that has melancholia commit suicide? 患有忧郁症的人会自杀吗?
- Stricken can suffer from melancholia really. 受打击真的会患忧郁症.
- So Henry get a little paranoid about some things. 这样,亨利对待某些事情的态度有点幻想狂的味道。
- Did I get melancholia `` not to see a doctor go? 我得了忧郁症``不看医生行嘛?
- There's a simple way to determine if I am paranoid. 这里有个简单的方法来决定我是否有偏执狂。
- The caster curses a province with melancholia. 法师诅咒某地开始传染忧郁。
- Oh, don't be so paranoid, I am sure he won't! 哦,别那么胡思乱想啦,我肯定他不会的。
- How to get postpartum melancholia to do? 得了产后忧郁症怎么办?
- It's probably me being totally paranoid. 也许是我胡思乱想。
- So, have seasonal of melancholia say. 所以,有季节性忧郁症之说。
- B: I don't know! You've got me paranoid now, too. 我也不知道!你让我现在也歇斯底里了。
- Am I just paranoid, or am I just stoned? 我是个偏执狂吗?还是我仅仅只是喝多了?