- Results17 cases have been treated effectively,1 case balloon ruptured,1 case parafunction of blood coagulability. 结果在应用双气囊三腔管治疗的19例患者中,有效止血17例,气囊破裂1例,凝血功能障碍1例。
- Conclusion: It is valuable to investigate whether the patient with thyroid parafunction may be high-risk people of Alzheimen s disease or not. 结论:甲状腺疾病患者是否为阿尔滋海默病发病的高危人群,值得探讨。
- However, it may create a short appearance of the tooth if tooth migration caused by compensatory eruption resulting from wear from the patient's parafunction is ignored. 然而,但是如果忽视因功能异常引起的牙齿过度磨耗而引起的补偿性萌出问题,牙冠部分将看起来较短。在这些病例中,美容冠延长技术将产生一个比较美观的牙冠。
- Even if form alters function in cases in which parafunction is a causative factor, relying on form alone to alter pathological function can result in an unacceptable restorative failure rate. 即使在一些病例中,形式可以改变功能,一些功能异常可能是因为形式引起。但是单纯地依靠改变牙齿的外形来希望改变病理过程可能会引起不可能接受的修复体制作失败。
- parasthenia 机能异常
- parafunction 机能异常[错乱]