- Parliament makes laws. 议会制订法律。
- parliament make laws 议会制定法律
- Parliament is vested with the power of making laws. 国会有立法权.
- Congress is empowered by the Constitution to make laws. 国会由宪法授予制定法律的权限。
- A person or body to when legislation power is delegated cannot, as can Parliament, make law about anything. 被授予立法权力的人或机构,不能象议会那样,对任何事情都有立法权。
- Governments make laws and the police enforce them. 政府立法,警察执法。
- The government was set up to make laws. 政府是为制定法规而设立的。
- Congress has power to make laws. 国会有权制订法律。
- Make law use: Dried macerate drop does water. 制法用法:虾米浸软沥干水。
- In enacting the Trade Practices Act the federal parliament relied on its power to make laws with respect to corporations in S. 51(20) of the Constitution. 在制定贸易法上,联邦议会的依据是宪法第50条第20款有权制定与公司有关法律的规定。
- The will of the prince does not suffice to make law. 君主的意志不足以制定法律。
- The safest way to make laws respected is to make them respectable. 使法律被尊重的最安全办法,就是使它们值得尊重。
- To give legal force or status to; make lawful. 给予合法的地位赋予法律力量或地位;使合法
- Members of Parliament making a point of order in the House of Commons wear a collapsible opera hat and nobody sniggers. 在下议院,提出程序问题的议员们戴一种折叠式的大礼帽也无人窃笑。
- Make law use: Wax gourd goes flesh is abluent, cut thick piece. 制法用法:冬瓜去瓤洗净,切厚块。
- Make law use: the pig spinal and abluent, behead is broken. 制法用法:将猪脊骨洗净,斩碎。
- An officially elected or otherwise selected body of people vested with the responsibility and power to make laws for a political unit, such as a state or nation. 立法机关由官方选举或由被规定具有责任和权力制定法律的群众中挑选而组成的政治单位,如州或国家的立法机关
- Lall believed that Nehru’s response at the parliament made the Chinese side feel that the Indian side had rejected resolving the border dispute through mutual consultation. 如果中方的这个提案是事实的话,恰恰可以证明中方希望采取和平交涉的意图。
- Can the President make law? A: No. Congress makes the law. 总统能否执订法律?答:不能,国会执订法律。
- The new law was flung out in Parliament. 这项新法规在议会遭到否决。