- Parliament pass the bill which have now become law. 议会通过该议案,现在它已成为法律。
- parliament pass laws 议会通过法律
- Parliament passed a law to squash pop music pirates. (国会通过了一项法律来打击流行音乐盗版者。)
- It is easier to pass laws than to put them in force. 通过法律容易,实施法律难。
- It is easier to pass laws than to put them into force. 通过法律容易, 实施法律难。
- Present Sunday trading laws are based on an act of British Parliament passed centuries ago. 目前的英国星期日贸易法是根据一百年前议会通过的一项法案制定的。
- Parliament passed the bill without further amendment. 议会未作进一步修改便通过了法案。
- Group of people who come together to discuss political problem or to pass laws. 议会,一组人在一起讨论政治问题或通过法律。
- He had promised to stay at his post until parliament passed budget. 他已经承诺在议会通过预算之前仍会坚守岗位。
- It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior. 是指通过这样的法律不难,还是指用这样的法律限制人们的行为。
- They wanted to pass laws to protect the burros and horses from hunters. 他们想通过法律来保护美洲驴和野马不被猎杀。
- As one of the first literate societies in Europe, the Scottish Parliament passed the world's first compulsory education law in 1496. 苏格兰浓郁的书香氛围有其历史渊源。苏格兰议会于1496年通过了世界上第一个义务教育法案。
- Iraqi parliament passed the law on Tuesday despite the walkout by Kurdish lawmakers over how elections should be held in the disputed oil-rich city of Kirkuk. 周二,伊拉克议会不顾库尔德议会成员的抗议投票,依然通过了这项法案。库尔德成员因为不知道地方选举一个怎样才能是非纷争的石油之城,基尔库克举行。
- The secretary of state was referring to a new law that Iraq's parliament passed Saturday that allows members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party to reclaim government jobs. 赖斯国务卿所指的是伊拉克议会星期六通过一项新法律允许萨达姆的社会复兴党成员重新担任政府职务。
- In 1986, the British Parliament passed the " Law on the relationship with Australia," Australia was full legislative power and judicial power of final adjudication. 1986年,英议会通过“与澳大利亚关系法”,澳获得完全立法权和司法终审权。
- Hundreds and thousands of Africans are thrown into gaol each year under pass laws. 由于《通行证法》,每年有成千上万的南非黑人被关进监狱。
- Congress passes laws that must be obeyed by the people. 国会通过法律,人民必须遵守法律。
- He passed laws against slavery and kept the United States united. 他颁布法律反对奴隶制度,并使美国保持统一。
- Congress can pass laws, but the President can veto them, and his veto can be overturned only by a super-majority. 国会可以通过法令,但总统可以否决,而总统的否决只有在国会参分之二多数决的情况下才能被推翻。
- When the Catholic Gaels of Ulster rebelled, the British Parliament passed the Articles of Plantation. 当阿尔斯特地区信奉天主教的盖尔人起义时,英国议会通过“移民条例”。