- partially coherent field 局部相干场
- Experimental investigations on the partially coherent flattop beam profiles[J]. 引用该论文 董梅梅;蒲继雄.
- Study of partially coherent light defocused image plane speckle photography[J]. 引用该论文 姜锦虎;沈永昭;程传福;陈炳泉.
- Recently, a new class of partially coherent beam called partially polarized Gaussian Schell-model beam is put forward. 而且,近年来对于一类新型的部分偏振高斯-谢尔模光束的研究也越来越引起人们的兴趣。
- The spectrum-transmission function (STF) of optic-fiber ring is obtained with the theory of partially coherent light. 根据部分相干光理论, 得到了光纤环光谱传递函数。
- The electromagnetically induced two-photon transparency (EITT) under the control of coherent field is investigated. 研究了相干场控制下的电磁感应双光子光透明。
- Abstract: Partially coherent Gaussian beams which can be expanded into an independent superposition of Hermite-Gaussian modes have been analyzed. 摘要 : 分析了以模式间相互独立的厄米-高斯光束为基底的部分相干高斯光束。
- The optical bistable behavior of V-type three-level atomic system in a unidirectional ring cavity driven by a coherent field is studied. 摘要研究在一单向环形腔内的V-型三能级原子被一相干光场驱动的光学双稳态行为。
- The tensor ABCD law describes the evolution of the first order correlation function of the partially coherent matter wave. 该定律针对的是广泛存在于 实验的,具有部分相干性的冷原子物质波体系。
- Under a weakly coherent field, the linear entropies of atom and field in a two-level atom-field coupling system are investigated. 摘要在弱相干场作用下,研究了二能级原子和光场相互作用系统中原子和光场线性熵的演化规律,讨论了原子初态对原子和光场线性熵的影响。
- Firstly,based on maximum a posteriori criterion,partially coherent multi-user weight/phase estimator is given via theoretical analysis. 本文首先基于最大后验概率准则从理论上推导出了部分相干多用户信码/相位联合估计子的表达式;
- New Filtering Approach on Partial Coherent Imaging System for Improving Photolithography Resolution[J]. 引用该论文 杜惊雷;张怡霄;杨静;刘世杰;肖啸;郭永康;杜春雷.
- Many partial coherent events are used to sparsely represent the seismic traces and improve imaging efficiency. 该方法用许多局部相关的同相轴来达到地震记录稀疏表示的目的,提高了偏移效率。
- In this paper, we study the coherent control of optical bistability and multistability in the V-type three-level atomic system driven by a coherent field. 本文研究了三能级V型系统中双稳和多稳行为的相干控制。
- This paper deals with the influence of turbulence on the spectral shift of the Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) beam, which is taken as a typical example of partially coherent light. 以高斯谢尔模型(GSM)光束作为部分相干光的典型例子,研究湍流对高斯谢尔模型光束光谱移动的影响。
- Photonic Crystal, Negative Refractive index materials, Superluminal and Subluminal Phenomena, Partially Coherent light, Laser Physics, and interaction between light and matter. 光子晶体,负折射率材料,超快、慢现象,部分相干光学,激光物理,光与物质的相互作用等。
- Based on the propagation law of partially coherent light, spectral changes of a polychromatic Gaussian-Schell model beam propagating in free space is studied. 摘要基于部分相干光的传输定律,研究了多色高斯-谢尔模型光束在自由空间中传输的光谱变化。
- This technique principle is explained.Then based on partial coherent imaging theory, the process to fabricate the microlens has been simulated. 基于部分相干光成像理论,进行了微透镜制作的计算机模拟。
- For the case of the off two-photon resonance, optical multistability occurs in the present system.The hysteresis loop widths are manipulated simply by varying the Rabi frequency of the coherent field. 在非双光子共振情况下,系统呈现多稳态,并且多稳态的驰豫环宽度也随相干场的拉比频率的变化而变化。
- On the basis of Rytov?s variance and using Andrews? model, log-intensity variance for partial coherent beam transmitting through strong turbulence is deduced in this paper. 在Rytov方差的基础上,利用Andrews的唯像闪烁模型,推导出部分相干光通过强大气湍流后的对数光强起伏方差,并在此基础上进行了仿真。