- partially silvered mirror splitter 局部镀银镜式分离器
- partially silvered mirror 半镀银反射镜
- Sheet glass mirror, float glass mirror, silvered mirror and ca... 平板铝镜、浮法铝镜、镀银镜、汽车倒视镜。
- In the silver mirror, I can see the carmine wounds disfiguring me. 银镜里朱霞残照。
- We are a leading manufacture of silver mirror in China, and. 淄博中玻镜业有限公司。
- Let us ask such ancestors to stand in the silver mirror before us. 让我们邀请这些祖先站在我们眼前的金色镜子之中。
- Sheet glass mirror, float glass mirror, silvered mirror and car mirrors. 平板铝镜、浮法铝镜、镀银镜、汽车倒视镜。
- When the men poured the steel and rolled it out, the steel was so bright and perfect, it shone like a silver mirror. 当人们把钢水倒出来并轧成钢材后,大家发现,它是那样纯,那样光灿夺目,俨然象一面银镜。
- My company mainly produces mirror (silver mirror, aluminum mirror and various colored mirror. 我公司主要生产镜子(银镜,铝镜和各种有颜色的镜子。
- Microcavity structure consisting of distributed Bragg reflector and metal silver mirror is designed. The structure is glass/DBR/ITO/TPD/Alq3/Ag. 设计了结构为Glass/DBR/ITO/TPD/Alq3/Ag的微腔有机发光器件。
- The room was large but had a cozy feel to it: natural wood, green-and-white chintz and an antique silver mirror over the dressing table. 房间虽然大了点,但给人的感觉却很温馨舒适:天然的木料,白绿相间的印花布一尘不染,梳妆台上还镶着一面古典风格的银镜。
- Let us now call all ancestors forth that never experienced disease, ailment or deformity and ask them to stand in the silver mirror behind us. 现在让我们召唤那些从未经历疾患、病痛或残疾的祖先前来,并邀请他们站在我们身后的银色镜子之中。
- The adsorption state and the characteristics of reactive blue X-BR(X-BR) absorbed on the silver mirror were studied using the surface-enhanced Raman scattering(SERS) method. 利用表面增强拉曼光谱(surface-enhanced Ram an scattering,SERS)研究了活性艳兰X-BR在银镜表面的吸附状态及其浓度变化对表面增强拉曼散射效应的影响,并探讨了活性艳兰X-BR在银镜表面的吸附作用特点和规律。
- More complete and accurate vibration modes of C70 were expected, considering the high sensitivity of the SERS active substrate (silver mirror) and the high purity of the C70 sample (better than 95%) used in our experiment. 实验中所使用的高纯度样品 (纯度高于95%25),是我们实验数据来源准确度的保证。 另外,由于SERS活性衬底的高灵敏性,以及所采用的低温测量技术,使我们获得了更完整准确的有关C70拉曼谱峰的信息。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- He was only partially to blame for the accident. 他对事故只应负部分责任。
- Manufacture and Study of High Grade Silver Mirror 高级银镜的生产与研究
- He is partially responsible for the accident. 他对该事故负有部分责任。
- It is unlucky to break a mirror. 打破镜子被认为是不吉利的。
- The calm water surface is very much like a mirror. 那平静的水面十分象一面镜子。