- Test forecasts and simulations on the sea ice thickness, concentration, drift velocity and ice edge have been carried out by using the dynamic sea ice model for the Bohai Sea. 该项工作使用海冰动力模式对黄、渤海海冰厚度、密集度、漂流速度和流冰外缘线进行了模拟和试报。
- An ocean model developed by the Bergen University in Norway (BOM, Bergen Ocean Model) was coupled with a state of art sea ice model CSIM4 (Community Sea Ice Model Version 4). 对挪威卑尔根大学发展的海洋模式BOM(Bergen Ocean Model)与集成最新海冰模式发展成果的海冰模式CSIM4(Community Sea Ice Model Version 4)进行了耦合,对北极海冰的气候变率进行了模拟。
- The interaction between high intensity ultrashort laser and overdense plasma using a particle in cell simulation is numerically studied. 应用一维粒子模拟方法数值研究了超短超强激光和稠密等离子体的相互作用。
- thermodynamic-dynamic sea ice model 热动力海冰模式
- Improvement of a Thermodynamic-dynamic Sea Ice Model 一个热动力海冰模式的改进与实验
- particle in cell computing method 格网中质点计算法
- Particle?in?cell (PIC) approach was introduced into the sea ice numerical simulation of Bohai Sea. 为准确计算渤海海冰的动力过程,本文将质点网格方法(Particle in cell,简称PIC),引入到渤海海冰数值模拟中。
- An area of open water surrounded by sea ice. 冰间湖由海水冰围成的一块开阔的水域
- Growth resulting from increase in cell size without cell division. 生长指由于细胞体积的增大而非细胞分裂而导致的生长
- What is the work done on the particle in this case? 这种情况下对质点所作的功是多少?
- A Review on Development of Sea Ice Model in Foreign Countries during Recent Years 近年来国外海冰模式发展的回顾
- The particles in an atom are infinitely small. 原子里的粒子极小。
- Influence of tides on sea ice in the Weddell Sea: Investigations with a high-resolution dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model 威德尔海潮汐对海冰的影响:用高分辨动力学-热力学海冰模式的研究
- At U. Minnesota, Course in Cell Biology at Emory U. 细胞生物学教程。
- In cell A2, type the number for the first ticket. 在单元格A2中,键入第一张标签的号码。
- The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice. 融化的冰水在平坦冰冻的海面上形成水坑。
- CEV cln replicate in cell suspension cultures. CEV可以在悬浮细胞中复制。
- Each particle in the multiplet has the same strangeness. 在多重态内的每个粒子都有同样的奇异数。
- Glycolysis occurs in cell cytoplasm. 糖酵解发生在细胞质中。
- This form of C acts as a lubricant in cell osmosis. 这种维生素C充当了细胞渗透作用中的润滑剂。