- There was nothing in the letter of particular importance. 这封信里没有什么特别重要的事。
- Woodmeal is of particular importance among combustible ingredients. 在可燃成份中,木粉是特别重要的。
- For some groups, Britishness has a particular importance. 对某些群体来说,英国国民性有着非同寻常的意义。
- It is of particular importance for you comrades present here to do so. 到会的同志做到这一点是特别重要的。
- Of particular importance to the observer is the position of the terminator. 对于观测者特别重要的是明暗界线的位置。
- The stress on education assumed particular importance in the next years. 在后来的几年里,特别强调了教育的重要性。
- CSR is an area to which the British Government attaches particular importance. 英国非常重视企业社会责任这一领域。
- It was kept for a long time among some old papers without being considered of any particular importance. 长期以来这封信一直被夹在一些旧报纸里,我们没有认为它有什么特殊价值。
- The special case in which the specified directions are at right angles to each other is of particular importance. 分量的方向互为垂直的特殊情况是十分重要的。
- In selecting cadres in future,we should attach particular importance to the mastery of professional knowledge. 今后的干部选择,特别要重视专业知识。
- This became of particular importance when,as a result of the 1944 Education Act,secondary schooling for all became law. 由于1944年的教育法案的结果,普及中等教育已成为法律条文,这就变得特别重要了。
- Under the new circumstances,it is of particular importance to stress the necessity of following this directive. 在新的条件下,我们重新强调贯彻执行毛泽东同志的这个指示,显得特别重要。
- We attach particular importance to spreading Mao Zedong Thought in order that it will take root among the masses. 我们特别注意宣传毛泽东思想,使它在群众中扎根。
- Under the new circumstances, it is of particular importance to stress the necessity of following this directive. 在新的条件下,我们重新强调贯彻执行毛泽东同志的这个指示,显得特别重要。
- In selecting cadres in future, we should attach particular importance to the mastery of professional knowledge. 今后的干部选择,特别要重视专业知识。
- It noted that France had traditionally attached particular importance to the question of development. 它指出,法国传统上对发展问题给予了特别的重视。
- The Delegation of Iceland addressed the Assembly to highlight a point of particular importance. 冰岛代表团向大会发言,并强调一项尤为重要的内容。
- Knowledge and experience are of particular importance where four-row cylindrical roller bearings are concerned. 关于四列圆柱滚子轴承,知识和经验特别重要。
- This became of particular importance when, as a result of the 1944 Education Act, secondary schooling for all became law. 由于1944年的教育法案的结果,普及中等教育已成为法律条文,这就变得特别重要了。
- Egg lipids are of particular importance because of their emulsifying properties and their high content of cholesterol. 蛋的脂类由于乳化性和胆固醇含量高,尤为重要。