- partition with even part 偶分拆
- Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those hours. 稍微计算一下,使用这些时间的一部分能够做些什么。
- In word processing, to print a document with even right and left margins. 字(词)处理技术中,使打印文件有平齐的左右空白边。
- The police struck back with even greater ferocity. 警察因为遭到甚为强大的抵抗而节节败退。
- The storm resumed with even greater intensity. 风暴更猛烈地再度肆虐。
- Verso Left-hand page with even number. 当横排书页打开时,在左边的一页。参阅上文。
- Only people with even numbers were selected. 只有拿着偶数牌的人被选中了。
- These rooms are partitioned with partition boards. 这几间屋子是用隔板隔开的。
- Sue is helpless when faced with even the simplest mathematical calculation. 甚至面对最最简单的数学计算,苏也束手无策。
- These exhibits are part teaching aids, part models and even part experiments. 这些展览分为教学方法,模型,甚至是试验。
- I with even, will all my poor skill, do your good bidding. 我情愿尽我微薄的能力,听从您的吩咐。
- In general, changing a partition with a file system already on it will destroy any information there. 在一般情况下,改动一个已经建立档案系统的分割区,会导致其中的资料遭到损毁。
- Anyone with even a modicum of intelligence would have realized that! 稍有头脑的人都能认识到那点!
- WARNING: this will overwrite every single file on your partition with the one in the archive! 警告:这会把你分区里所有文件替换成压缩文档里的文件!
- You lay peacefully in bed, breathing with even breaths. 那时你静静的躺在床在,发出均匀的呼吸声。
- She seems to have a way with even the most disobedient boy. 能对付不听话的孩子。
- Year in, year out, the Severn was part of my view; it was even part of my consciousness. 年复一年,塞文河已成为我触目的景色的一部分,他甚至已成为我意识的一部分。
- The room was flooded with evening light. 室内一片暮色。
- The street was crowded with evening strollers. 街上满是傍晚出来散步的人。
- The derivations of the even part of the generalized Witt modular superalgebra are reduced to vanish on the canonical torus of the even part. 本文将广义Witt模超代数偶部分的导子在其典范环面上简约为平凡.