- Party Ruled by Law: A New Type of Party Culture 政党法治:一种新型的政党文明形态
- party ruled by law 政党法治
- A Historiographic Analysis of the Way of Rule by Law in P.R.C. 新中国法治历程的史学视角分析。
- To reinstate a rule of law: to reestablish rule by law. 恢复或重建法治。
- Role of virtue and rule by law supplement and promote each other. 法治和德治,是相辅相成、相互促进的。
- Machiavelli justified rule by force rather than by law. 马基雅维里的统治力量的理由,而不是法律。
- Then the ultima aim of Rule by law is to satisfypeople"s desires and demands. 因而,法治在最终目的上是为了人类的欲望与需求。
- Criminal illegality is no doubt the keyword of criminal law in a country ruled by law. 刑事违法性无疑是法治国家刑法中的一个关键词。
- Firstly, leadership by the Party is the fundamental guarantee that the people are the masters of the country and that the country is ruled by law. 第一,党的领导是人民当家作主和依法治国的根本保证。
- The right against self-incrimination is a universal human right acknowledged in every modern country ruled by law. 摘要:不自证己罪权利乃现代法治国家普遍承认之普世人权。
- Both stood to lose all their convention delegates because they defied party rules by holding their primaries too early. 这两个州由于无视民主党的规定,过早提前举行初选投票,而将失去全国代表大会的代表席位。
- Democratic institution and a society ruled by law are the basic premises to construct market-intensified government. 民主制度与法治化社会是建立强化市场型政府的基本前提条件。
- Ruling by Law is referred to validity and scientificalness of the Party's ruling. 摘要依法执政事关党执政的合法性、科学性;
- It is unable to be neglected that judicial tissue is bureaucratizing with the coming of the society ruled by law. 摘要司法组织的官僚化是法治社会到来的一个不可忽视的现象。
- Ruling by law demands that the ruling party do not going off the course of ruling by law. 法治作为依法执政的机制保障,要求执政党的一切活动不偏离法治轨道;
- British colonies were ruled by governors. 英国的殖民地由总督统治。
- Choice of the Road of Ruling by Law: Experience or Formation? 法治的道路选择:经验还是建构?
- With the advancement of constructing our country as a socialist country ruled by law and the idea of sustainable development,endowing people ... 本文试图结合我国法律制度的现状,提出几点建议,以维护受害人的合法权益。
- Insisting on controlling power according to law will refresh the legitimacy foundation of the party in power, meanwhile, party in power mode of thinking and working way should comply with the law of construction ruled by law to change in good time, too. 坚持依法执政将更新党执政的合法性基础,同时党执政的思维方式和工作方式,也要顺应法治建设的规律适时转变。
- It is necessary to enhance the people's sense of law and concept of rule by law. 增强人们的法律意识和法制观念是很必要的。