- Your opinion on government system. 你对政府制度的看法.
- The vitals of assault on reform is the reform on government system. 改革攻坚的要害是政府体制改革。
- Honest government system vicissitude way dependence. 廉政制度变迁的路径依赖。
- Because America has a3- tier government system, there are three types of tax. 正因为美国有三级政府,税收也是三种。
- What is Canadas system of government calledCanadas government system is system. 加拿大政府采用何种政治体制国会为首的政体.
- To establish a party government was the tendency when the Republic of China ( ROC) was found. 政党政治是资产阶级共和国建立之初,国内政治发展的大势所趋。
- We need to adopt the idea of economizing and Isuild the economized Party government olfices and enterprises. 需要树立节约观念、建设节约型党政机关、企事业单位等;
- Government scientificity and government legitimacy,which are related with the party's government style,are the two basic problems of party government. 执政科学性和执政合法性是政党执政的两个根本问题,政党的执政方式与这两个问题密切相关。
- The book was approved by the state\'s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party government but has sparked protests from the party\'s women\'s wing. 这本教科书经拉贾斯坦邦印度人民党政府正式审核通过,但该书还是引起了该党女党员的强烈反对。
- Stewart is part of a new right-leaning Saskatchewan Party government in the province, which recently unseated the long-ruling New Democratic Party. Stewart是在该省一个新的右派萨斯喀彻温党政府成员,新民主党最近失去长期执政权。
- What is Canada's system of government called Canada's government system is called a parliamentary system. 加拿大政府采用何种政治体制国会为首的政体。
- On the issue of non-colonization, the Labor Party Government evacuated from India and Palestine according to its realism principles as well. 从战前的理想主义到战后的现实主义,工党外交理念的变化在某种程度上反映了这一时期英国外交的演变过程。
- They will also deal the remnants of the planned economy and the government system propping it up a final blow. 这将给中国的计划经济残余以最后的一击,也将对计划经济条件下形成的政府职能体系形成莫大的冲击。
- Through the analysis on many IDS of open source codes, a IDS integrated government system is offered. 对多种开放源码的IDS进行分析,提出了一种IDS集成管理系统。
- The object parameters change with work point in water turbine governing system. 摘要水轮机调节对象的许多参数都是随运行工况变化的。
- The Labor Party Government pushed forward the European equipollence to meet the realistic needs of state security of UK by promoting America to join the European defense. 在非殖民化问题上,工党政府同样从现实主义出发,撤出了印度和巴勒斯坦。
- Government scientificity and government legitimacy, which are related with the party's government style, are the two basic problems of party government. 执政科学性和执政合法性是政党执政的两个根本问题,政党的执政方式与这两个问题密切相关。
- Sound corporate governance system, teacher force strong, well-planned teaching. 公司管理体系完善,师资力量雄厚,教学计划周密。
- He actively propagandized the ideas of democracy and enlightenment, including the theory of human rights, view of the federation and the state and the party government and so on. 提倡民主自由,要求社会平等,呼唤独立人格,试图唤起国民的民主意识和参政意识,为民主共和政治目标的实现奠定基础。
- Tiao-kuai relation is the basic structural one of local government system in China. 条块关系是中国政府间关系模式的基础,也是地方政府体制中基本的结构性关系。