- parylene film capacitor 聚对二甲苯薄膜电容器
- AC film capacitor in elrctric fan and washer etc. 电风扇、洗衣机家电用交流电容器。
- Objective:To determine residual di-paraxylylene in parylene film coated rubber closure by HPLC. 目的:用高效液相色谱法测定聚对二甲苯覆膜胶塞中残留二聚对二甲苯的含量。
- The paper focuses on vacuum vapor deposition for making parylene film which is used in many targets. 介绍了真空气相沉积法制备聚对二甲苯薄膜的实验设备、实验原理和实验方法。
- The paper focuses on vacuum vapor deposition for making parylene film which is used in many targets.The experiment facility and principle are described too. 介绍了真空气相沉积法制备聚对二甲苯薄膜的实验设备、实验原理和实验方法。
- Large-scale enterprises in Hong Kong, professional metallized film capacitor manufacturers have CBB. 大型港企,专业的金属化薄膜电容厂家,有CBB。
- So the author thinks that the appearance of this kind of phenomenon forms when the hot problem to film capacitor is inconsiderate mainly. 因此,本文认为:这种现象的产生主要是对全膜电容器的热问题考虑不周所造成的。
- Audiophile-grade metal film capacitors. 古典音乐级金属化薄膜电容器。
- CBB60 metallized polypropylene film capacitor is used as a motor starting capacitor or a motor running capacitor in 50HZ AC singlephase motors. CBB60型金属化聚丙烯电容器可用于频率为50Hz的交流电源供电的单向电动机的动起和运转。
- CBB61 metallized polypropylene film capacitor is used as a motor starting capacitor or a motor running capacitor in 50HZ AC singlephase motors. CBB61型金属化聚丙烯电容器可用于频率为50Hz的交流电源供电的单向电动机的运转和运转。
- Realities show that, the using life of the transducer and adverse converter will be greatly heightened by using film capacitor as CVCF and inverter capacitor. 事实表明,采用薄膜电容器作为变频器/逆变器整流滤波电容器可以大大提高变频器/逆变器的使用寿命。
- Preparation of Parylene Film by Vapor Deposition 气相沉积法制备聚对二甲苯薄膜
- parylene film coated rubber closure 聚对二甲苯覆膜胶塞
- Application of CAD technology to plastic film capacitors. CAD技术在有机薄膜电容器中的应用。
- Company scope of operations: Advocate battalion: Film capacitor of electrical engineering film, metallization film, dc (also weigh film capacitor) , capacitor of alternating current force. 公司经营范围:主营:电工薄膜、金属化薄膜、直流薄膜电容器(亦称薄膜电容器)、交流电力电容器。
- E-brands - is a strong combination of capacitor suppliers, leading product for the whole series of film capacitors, tantalum capacitors and monolithic capacitor. 名品电子-是一家强强联手的电容器供应商,主导产品为全系列薄膜电容、钽电容及独石电容。
- Fabrication of the parylene film by the method of hot-wire assistance 热丝辅助裂解法制备聚对二甲苯薄膜
- Corrosive Appearance of Metallized Film Capacitor 金属化电容器的腐蚀现象
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- yttrium oxide thin film capacitor 氧化钇薄膜电容器