- Question: What information is okay to pass back to the client? 问:应将哪些信息传回客户端?
- Why do they keep passing back to the goalie? 他们为什么总是把球回传给守门员?
- Tom caught a pass in the end zone for a touchdown=he caught the pass back of the goal line and inside the marked area and it counted for a touchdown. 汤姆在球门区内接得一传球而得分。
- Sure, players love to run and dunk and run and pass back and forth and run some more and dunk some more. 理所当然的,球员们喜欢在场上跑来跑去,扣来扣去,尽可能的向前冲,然后制造出更多的跑动和扣篮机会。
- Re-radiated heat has a different wavelength and cannot pass back out through the glass as easily. 再次辐射的热量是不同的波长,不能透过玻璃辐射出去。
- You should have passed back the ball,instead of passing it forward. 你应该往后传球,而不应该往前传。
- Tom caught a pass in the end zone for a touchdown (=he caught the pass back of the goal line and inside the marked area and it counted for a touchdown). 汤姆在球门区内接得一传球而得分。
- Centre pass: The opening pass of a half or following a goal, from a centre to a team-mate behind him or her; also called a "push back" or "pass back". 中心传:半场开球或进球后开始,从中心把球传给身后的同队队员,也称"后推"或"后传"。
- Anderlecht win an attacking throwin on the right wing. The ball falls to Aruna who is forced to pass back as the Nerazzurri close down their opponents. 客队赢得了一个在右翼进攻边线球,球给了阿鲁纳,但蓝黑军团的关门防守迫使他回传。
- Waste products, such as carbon dioxide, pass back into the bloodstream via the capillaries to be carried away and removed from the body. 身体内的废物如二氧化碳能进入血液,再由血液将废物带至肺、胃、肝、肠和皮肤等部位,经处理后或直接排出体外。
- Before being passed back to the boiler,the condensate should be preheated. 冷凝液在送回锅炉之前必须进行预热。
- One of the rules of the game is that the ball can only be passed back. 此项比赛的规则之一就是球只能向后传。
- In this case, the array can be resized and the new size can be passed back. 在这种情况下,可以调整该数组的大小,并且可以传回新的大小。
- You should have passed back the ball, instead of passing it forward. 你应该往后传球,而不应该往前传。
- Before being passed back to the boiler, the condensate should be preheated. 冷凝液在送回锅炉之前必须进行预热。
- There is no record of those decreases being passed back to shoppers". 也没有看到降价给消费者带来好处的纪录啊。”
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- Blackburn Samba Zhongwei pass back to the mistake, Berbatov after the ball close to the Single form, but the other goalkeeper Johnson - Brown continues to attack the ball to intercept. 布莱克本中卫桑巴回传球失误,贝尔巴托夫截到皮球后形成单刀,但对方门将詹森-布朗继续地出击将皮球拦截。
- Stand back to allow the procession to pass. 往后站,让队伍通过。