- pass round salt 把盐递过来
- Let's pass round the hat for her. 让我们为她募损。
- The news passed round the village. 消息传遍了全村。
- The letter was passed round the table. 那封信由在座的人传阅。
- The news was quickly passed round the office. 消息很快就传遍了办公室。
- The news was soon passed round the group. 不一会儿消息就在组里传开了。
- Before the ices, champagne was passed round. 端出冰激凌之前,先端出香槟酒。
- They passed round the hat for the various scholarships. 他们为各项奖学金捐款。
- At the club's annual dinner we always pass round the hat to raise money for the various scholarships which the club sponsors. 在俱乐部一年一度的宴会上,我们照例要为俱乐部主办的各种奖学金募捐。
- As Nanny Zhang had to pass round cigarettes, tea and hot towels, the troupe of little monkeys were naturally put in Xiangzi's charge. 张妈既是得伺候着烟茶手巾把,那群小猴自然全归祥子统辖。
- The fragrance wafts far and wide when the flowers are passed round. 花朵让人传送,花香扩散愈远。
- The draft statement was passed round, and everyone read it with deep attention. 大家传阅宣言草稿,每人都聚精会神地仔细阅读。
- The margin for error diminishes with each passing round of the playoffs. 失误的差距将直接减少球队通过季后赛的机会。
- He latched on to a Kaka pass, rounded Buffon, but in front of an open goal shot wide. 他接应卡卡传送,扭过保方,面对空门却射斜。
- May I trouble you to shut the door [pass the salt]? 劳驾把门关上[把盐递给我]好吗?
- Please pass me the plate,the salt and the butter. 请把盘子、盐和奶油传给我。
- So soon as we were seated an earthenware jar was passed round containing a fermented fluid of by no means unpleasant taste. 我们刚刚坐好,一只装满了发过酵的液体的罐子便沿圈子传开了。这液体闻着怪香的。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- Please pass me the salt and pepper. 请把盐和胡椒递给我。
- The numbness in your foot will soon pass off. 你脚上的麻木感一会儿就会消失。