- If/when a defender denies or disrupts the passing lane, back cut to the basket or screen away. 如果或当防守队员延误或阻断传球路线,回切到篮筐方向或掩护的路线。
- I wanted to join them there but I could not bring myself to steer to the right, toward the edge. Instead I kept inching to the left, going slower and slower in the passing lane, trying to hug the mountain wall. 我想加入到他们中间,可自己就是不听使唤,不但不能开向靠崖一侧的右边,反而不停地向左边峭壁上挤, 车在通道上越走越慢,车身快要贴住峭壁了。
- On the basis of the properties of motorcar running on passing lane,the sight point position and lateral clear distance of curve in passing lane outside the median divider in expressway are analyzed. 根据汽车在超车道上的行驶特性,分析了中央分隔带外侧超车道的视点位置及其横净距。
- She drives carefully up the rocky lane. 她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。
- At 6 feet (or so), his defensive game is limited mostly to overplaying the passing lanes and gambling for steals. 仅仅6尺高的他在防守端表现并不出众,多数时候他只是控制对手的控球路线然后断球。
- If you get back on defense, deny Nash's passing lanes and play energetic on the perimeter, the Suns will miss most of their3 pointers. 如果你积极防守,切断纳什的传球路线,在外线积极拼抢的话,太阳会投丢大部分的三分。
- Your body and arms cut off three-quarters of his passing lanes, meaning he can only pass to a teammate behind him. 用身体和双臂切断他三个方向的传球路线,让他只能向身后的队友传球。
- Howard is a solid, if unspectacular defender, but he does have great hands, and good anticipation for slipping into the passing lanes. 霍华德投篮很稳定,他有出色的防守素质,超长的臂长,而且具有很一颗热爱防守的心。
- His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
- A Heuristic Passing Lane Selection for Robot Soccer Algorithm 一种启发式的足球机器人传球路径搜索算法
- He's improved in the area of defending ball screens as well, using his massive wingspan to slow down the dribbler and cut off passing lanes without being foul prone. 拜纳姆在补防方面同样进步了不少,他可以运用他那超长的臂展来干扰对方的运球球员,并且在不犯规的前提下,切断对手的传球路线。
- That lane will take you to his house. 你从那条小巷就可以走到他家。
- The lane was thronged with shoppers. 这条狭窄的街上挤满了购物的人群。
- Even though this strategy leaves the weak side virtually unguarded, the length of the Lakers has enabled them to close off passing lanes and force turnovers. 即使这样的会造成弱侧的漏人,但是湖人的防线会切断对手的传球路线以及造成对手的失误。
- His long reach is his best weapon right now, bothering dribblers and shooters. Bryant plays the passing lanes reasonably well, especially if he is not guarding a primary scorer. 臂展是他最有利的武器,不管你是想上篮还是跳投,他都不会让你轻松完成。布赖恩特防突破防得相当好,尤其是被防守的不是第一得分手的时候。
- If you want to drive fast, use the outside lane. 如果你要开快车,请用外车道。
- The lane is the boundary of our land. 那条小路就是我们这片地的界线。
- The champion is running in lane 4. 冠军跑在第四跑道上。
- It is a long lane that has no turning. 路必有弯。
- He hasn't a dog's chance of passing the exam. 他这次考试毫无及格的可能。