- Passive Phase Conjugation Processing for Underwater Acoustic Communications 被动相位共轭处理在水声通信中的应用
- Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing and Phase Conjugation in Nile Blue etc. Nile Blue等染料中的简并四波混频和位相复共轭特性
- Finally, the formula of reflectivity of phase conjugation beam is modified. 最后,对理论上的相位共轭反射率公式进行了修正。
- Abstract: The principle of cube corner array's approximate phase conjugation was analyzed. 摘要: 分析了角锥棱镜阵列“准”位相共轭特性的原理;
- Main interests are research on detection me-thods of trace pollutants, mechanism of environmental pollution and nonlinear optical phase conjugation. 主要从事环境微量污染物检测方法及污染机理研究,非线性光学相位共轭技术研究。
- Preamble of the optical phase conjugation of the background and significance of topics and papers done on the contents in detail. 前言部分对光学相位共轭的选题背景和意义以及论文内容安排做了详细的阐述。
- Several measurement methods of phase conjugation fidelity were discussed and their advantage and disadvantage were compared. 讨论了几种相位共轭度的测度方法,对其优缺点进行了比较。
- Brillouin enhanced four wave mixing, whose interference beat frequency drives an acoustic field, can improve the SBS phase conjugation fidelity. 采用四波混频加强SBS的方法,其相干拍频驱动声子场,能提高SBS相位共轭保真度。
- The electrostrictive force induced by beam interference can drive the acoustic wave,and enhance the stabillty of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) phase conjugation fidelity. 光束相干引起的电致伸缩能驱动声子波,从而能加强受激布里渊散射(SBS),提高相位共轭保真度稳定性。
- Phase conjugation of forward-wave produced by degenerate four-wave mixing by using nearly resonantly enhanced nonlinearity in orgnic dye solutions. was investigated. 本文研究了近共振吸收增强的有机染料溶液中简并的四波混频作用和位相复共轭特性。
- Power Comparison between passive phased array radar (PAR) and active phased array radar (APAR) is discussed in this paper. 讨论有源相控阵雷达和无源相控阵雷达的能量比较。
- In order to study laser propagation in inhomogeneous medium, Collins formula was improved by using time inversion characteristic of optic phase conjugation wave. 摘要为了解决非均匀介质中的光传输问题,利用光学相位共轭波的时间反演特性,实现了对克斯林衍射积分公式的改进。
- Abstract: The thermal distortions of a high average power solid-state laser could be compensated by cube corner arrays (CCA) due to the quasi phase conjugation. 摘要: 角锥棱镜阵列具有溯源反射和准相位共轭两大特点,可在一定程度上补偿高平均功率固体激光器的热畸变。
- Transmissive effect in BaTiO3self-pumped phase conjugators[J]. 引用该论文 唐九耀;华诚.
- Based on the existing document, this paper introduces airborne radar of two famous Russian companies having cooperation with India, including advanced passive phased array radar "Kobyo", "Zhuk", "Bars" in the world. 摘要介绍了与印度在机载雷达领域进行军技合作的俄罗斯两家知名科研公司的机载雷达产品,其中包括达到国际先进水平的无源相控阵雷达“标枪”、“甲虫”、“雪豹”等,同时阐述了几种雷达的主要性能指标。
- Recently,much attention has been paid to the development of photorefractive materials for theirpotential applications in optical data storage,image processing and phase conjugation. 光折变材料研究是当今非线性光学学科的一个重要领域和研究热点。
- In optical phase conjugation principle, in-depth briefings on the phase conjugation of principle, as well as phase-conjugate wave that wavefront distortion of the physical process of argumentation. 在光学相位共轭的原理方面,深入介绍了相位共轭的原理,并对相位共轭波修正波前畸变的物理过程进行了论证。
- Bistable output characteristics of a LiNbO3:Ce phase conjugate resonator[J]. 引用该论文 刘劲松;吴仲康;徐玉恒.
- Optical phase conjugate in Langmuir-Blodgett films of purple membrane[J]. 引用该论文 刘颂豪;杜卫冲;章献民;李庆国.
- The pseudo phase conjugate fidelity analysis of retroreflector array[J]. 引用该论文 侯静;姜文汉;凌宁.