- Their album has occupied the Number One slot for the past six weeks. 他们的唱片在最近六周占据排行榜首位。
- The United Nations Refugee Agency says 40,000 Somalis have returned to their homes in the capital Mogadishu in the past six weeks. 联合国难民机构表示,在过去的六周当中已有四万名索马里人返回了他们在首都摩加迪沙的家园。
- The Federal Reserve had cut interest rates twice over the past six weeks to avoid the lash on US economy brought by the most severe financial crisis in half a century. 联邦储备局过去6周已经两度减息,以避免美国经济受半个世纪以来最严重的金融风暴所波及。
- Six weeks without a wash:The soapless experimentOver the past six weeks, Nicky, 42, has cut her daily routine, and all the products associated with it, out of her life altogether. 在过去的六个星期,42岁的女性尼奇做了一个极端的生活体验:彻底抛弃所有美容化妆用品。
- The soapless experimenOver the past six weeks, Nicky, 42, has cut her daily routine, and all the products associated with it, out of her life altogether. 在过去的六个星期,42岁的女性尼奇做了一个极端的生活体验:彻底抛弃所有美容化妆用品。
- Goodyear Tire &Co's stock climbed 14 percent in the past six weeks, while US Steel Corp gained 7 percent. Both shares rallied as their junk-rated bonds dropped. 固特异轮胎公司的股票在过去六周增长了14个点,而美国钢铁公司的增长了7个点,但是在他们股票升值的同时,它们的高收益债券有所下跌。
- Six weeks without a wash: The soapless experiment Over the past six weeks, Nicky, 42, has cut her daily routine, and all the products associated with it, out of her life altogether. ” 趣味双语新闻:六周不洗澡 皮肤变更好 在过去的六个星期,42岁的女性尼奇做了一个极端的生活体验:彻底抛弃所有美容化妆用品。
- Terry has been going out with Sharon for six weeks. 特里和沙伦相恋有六个星期了。
- The strike has been on now for six weeks. 罢工至今已进行六个星期了。
- The murder trial lasted six weeks. 法庭对这一谋杀案的审理为时六周。
- After six weeks' work the house began to take shape. 经过6个星期的工作以后,那座房子开始初具规模。
- The ballet starts at half past six. 芭蕾舞6点30分开始。
- Sharon and Terry have been going out (together) for six weeks. 沙伦和特里两人谈情说爱已经有六个星期了。
- The post office closes at twenty minutes past six. 邮局六点过二十分关门。
- I was laid up for six weeks with a very serious illness. 我得了一场重病,卧床了6个星期。
- They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later. 他们俩一见倾心,六个星期后就结了婚。
- He read about ten books in the past six months. 在过去的半年里,他读了将近十本书。
- I always get up at half past six in the morning. 我总是早上六点半起床。
- I've been celibate for the past six months. 我已禁欲六个月。
- It was ten past six by the kitchen clock. 厨房的钟六点十分了。