- paste filling machine 装膏机
- DXD series automatic paste filling &packaging machine is specially designed for packing tablets. Vibration count plate method is used for measurement. DXD片剂自动充填包装机系列用于片剂物料的包装,采用孔盘计数。常用于糖衣片、包衣片、素片、胶囊、规则块状物等。
- DXD series automatic paste filling &packaging machine is specially designed for packing tablets. DXD片剂自动充填包装机系列用于片剂物料的包装,采用孔盘计数。
- Filling Machine applicable to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, pesticides and special industries, is the ideal granular paste viscosity fluid filling equipment. 该灌装机适用于医药、日化、食品、农药及特殊行业,是理想的颗粒浆状粘度流体充填设备。
- Filling Machine applicable to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, pesticides and special industries, is the ideal granular paste viscosity fluid filling e... 该灌装机适用于医药、日化、食品、农药及特殊行业,是理想的颗粒浆状粘度流体充填设备。
- The last number of this ration filling machine seies is the max. 本系列定量充填机型号最尾的数字为最大充填量。
- Automotive capsule filling machines NO. 全自动胶囊充填机。
- It is widely applicable to Lotus paste filling with equal density, applied in cutting and rationing the fruit filling. 适用于各类密度均匀的蓉馅料、水果馅料的切割定量。
- It is widely applicable to ration the crust and filling of the pastry, such as: Lotus Paste Filling, Fruit Paste Filling and Nut Paste Filling, etc. 适用于各类糕饼皮、馅料的定量。如:蓉馅料、水果馅料、果仁馅料等。
- Have red bean paste filling, sugar, hawthorn, various materials such as fruit, edible when cooked, fried, steamed, fried can. 馅有豆沙、白糖、山楂、各类果料等,食用时煮、煎、蒸、炸皆可。
- The filler applied to the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, the food industry, ink and paint industries industry The paste filling. 该灌装机适用于日化行业、医药行业、食品行业、油墨行业和涂料行业的膏体灌装。
- One of the numbers was a violin solo by a striking-looking man not much past fortysurge arrester escort beijing escort in beijing filling machine tablet press, but with very gray thick hair. 最要命的是她有一双美丽的眼睛,是让人看了忘记一切的一双眼睛,只想一直这样的注视着她的眼睛天鹅绒,心中慢慢地升起一股又一股的爱意,直到漫溢了,你才发现原来自己爱上她了!
- Main Tasks: - Build and assemble the electrical parts of the equipment (filling machine). (建造和安装灌装设备的电气部件)。
- Jiexiu consistent thin sugar paste filling incense, eating crispytian cui , lingering aftertaste, as early as the late Ming and early Qing on the best-selling domestic market. 介休贯馅糖皮薄馅香,吃着香酥甜脆,回味绵长,早在明末清初就畅销国内市场。
- The filling machine can be used lubricating oil, edible oil and other oil filling. 该灌装机可应用于润滑油,食用油等油类的灌装。
- Memories of the past filled her mind to the exclusion of all else. 她满脑子全是对过去的回忆,其他事情都不想了。
- The mangoes are conveyed directly to the automatic weighing machine and filling machine. 芒果干将传送于自动称量系统以及装袋系统,这样将使包装中的芒果干重量达到相应的要求。
- GDY series beer filling machine apply to filling draught and warm beer with round jar and profiled jar. GDY系列啤酒灌装机组适用于圆罐、异型罐灌装生鲜啤酒。
- Serac has installed a new patented pressure regulation system between the product tank and the filling machine. 冰塔安装了一个新的专利压力调节系统的产品之间的坦克和灌装机。
- Through Cold-Bond Tailings Agglomeration, these fine tailings can be agglomerated into pellets which can then be used as a coarse aggregate in paste fill. 本文阐述了利用常温粘结尾矿制粒技术将金矿细尾矿制成球团用作膏体充填骨料的试验研究,研究证明金矿细尾矿完全可成为有价值的二次资源。