- The flavoring is available in powder, liquid or paste form. 这种调味品有粉末状的,液体的和糊状的。
- On past form the slowdown seemed likely to presage a long slump. 从过去的经验来看,这种下降很可能是经济大萧条的预兆。
- The first three of these form properties have default values associated with them. 这些窗体属性中的前三个具有与其关联的默认值。
- SNT-SM Surface Applicator is a surface applicator resin containing cinnamene and acrylate, with extremely strong membrane forming properties. SNT-SM 表面施胶剂是以苯乙烯和丙烯酸酯共聚而形成的成膜性能优良的表面施胶树脂。
- This paper studied the film forming properties of protein isolates from three Phaseolus legumes(red kidney bean,red bean and mung bean) and soy bean. 研究了菜豆属类分离蛋白(芸豆、红豆、绿豆)成膜性与大豆分离蛋白成膜性的比较。
- When I find it again, I'll return at my past form, professor Martens assured me. 当我重新找回感觉的时候我会回到我以前的状态,Martens向我保证了这些。
- Don't use the past form of the verb after the infinitive sign "to";the root form should be used. 在不定式符号"to"后面,不能用动词的过去形式,应该用动词原形。
- By studying the influences of co-solvents on the film forming properties of PLA/PVA blend membranes, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) was chosen as the better co-solvent. 通过考察不同的共溶剂对共混膜成膜性能的影响,确定二甲基亚砜(DMSO)是制备PLA/PVA共混膜优良的共溶剂。
- Visa official looks him from the back of glasses, past form upper cover a jab, "Hope United States won't make your hold back bad. 签证官从眼镜后面看了看他,往表格上盖了个戳,“希望美国不会让你憋坏。”
- The following table describes how to set form properties to allow the user to close an application, use smart minimize, and access other Pocket PC features. 下表说明如何设置窗体属性,以支持用户关闭应用程序、使用智能最小化功能以及访问其他Pocket PC功能。
- A paste form water-based cleaner for cleaning sofa leathers and PVC.To achieve a good level of shine,touch and prevent finger prints after cleaning.Free form pentachlorophenol(PCP free). 水性的膏状清洁剂,适合于镜面皮和PVC,也可做为皮沙发的保养清洁膏。清洁后可防止指纹污染及产生良好的亮度与手感。不含氟氯碳化物。
- After a while a green foamy paste forms at your lips, and at this point, conversation is now impossible. 过了一会,一层绿色的泡沫糊在了您的嘴唇上,到了这时,谈话是不可能的了。
- On past form, Bangladesh's voters might expect their new government to devote itself not to their welfare but to persecuting its rivals and looting the public purse. 换作以前,投票群体会希望新政府大肆迫害政敌、搜刮民脂民膏,而非增进国民福利。
- This type verbs change both the internal vowel sound and consonants to create the past and past participle form. Both the past form and past participle form are the same. 这种类型的过去时和过去分词的元音和辅音都会变化,通常过去时和过去分词一致。
- Poly(diethoxyphosphazene)(PEOP) is an inorganic macromolecular substance with backbone of alternating phophorus and nitrogen atoms,and a new potential membrane material with good membrane forming properties. 聚二乙氧基磷腈是以磷、氮原子交替排列作为主链结构的无机高分子,具有良好的成膜性,是一类有潜在应用前景的新型膜分离材料。
- In Design view, press F4 to display the property sheet and then set the form properties, as shown in the following table. 在设计视图中,按F4显示属性表,然后如下表所示设置窗体属性。
- Again, remember to use the past forms of verbs when you talk about the past, e.g. 再次提醒妳,在谈论过去的事情时记得使用动词的过去式。
- These regular past forms end with the sounds/d/,/t/or /id/.Put them in the correct columns. 根据读音将以下规则动词的过去式排入表中。
- Forming property of edible lac film which was made from lac and starch in soda solution was studied. 研究了淀粉加紫胶碱溶液改性后制作可食性包装膜的成膜特性及应用。
- A past formed by Coconut oil, Psoralea crolyforlia, Black cumin and Barberry roots works very well for treating vitiligo. 由椰子油,补骨脂,黑茴香和伏牛花根做成的药水可以治疗白癜风。