- pasture with foragegrass 矮草型放牧
- Every beast is driven to pasture with blows. Thunderbolt steers all things. 雷电驾驭了所有的事物。
- Just like a cowherd drives cows to pasture with a stick, so old age and death drive the life of living beings. 如同牧牛者以棍棒驱赶牛群至牧场,老与死亦在驱逐著众生的寿命。
- He pastured with the flock, beguiling the shepherd by his artifice. 他和羊群混在一起吃草,用这个妙计骗过了牧羊人。
- Then come the planters, who replace pasture with more profitable soya, driving the ranchers deeper into the forest. 接下来,种植者进入,他们种植能带来更高利润的黄豆,逼迫着伐木者进一步走向森林的深处。
- And the seacoast will be pastures with shepherds'caves And folds for flocks. 沿海之地要变为草场,其上有牧人的洞穴和羊群的圈。
- After all the other things we'd been through, now Arkansas had the world's only cow pasture with its very own nuclear warhead. 除了我们所经历的各种事情之外,现在阿肯色州还成了世界上唯一一个在奶牛牧场里有核弹头的地方。
- He has found greener pastures with his new career, and he is sharing the greatness of nature with the world. 他在新职业中找到更美好的新天地,也和大家分享这份大自然的伟大。
- Encased in the skin of a sheep, he pastured with the flock, beguiling the shepherd by his artifice. 他披上了羊皮,混进了羊群,并且瞒过了牧羊人。
- Summertime ,oh Summertime ,pattern of life indelible ,the fade-proof lake ,the woods unshatterable ,pasture with the sweet fern and the juniper forever and ever ,summer without end. 夏日时光;奥;夏日时光;留下了不可磨灭的生活印记.;湖光粼粼;林木挺拔;花草遍地;四季常青
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- We have put our cattle out to pasture. 我们已经把牛放到牧场上吃草去了。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。