- The Ket were a patriarchal society, with women in a secondary role. 偈人是族长社会,女人居次位。
- Her tragical ending reveals that she is the victim of patriarchal society. 她的悲剧结局表明她是父权制度的受害者。
- The nineteenth century America was an industrial society as well as a patriarchal society. 十九世纪的美国处于工业社会,同时又是父权制社会。
- As a victim of the outworn ideas in the patriarchal society, she struggled to gain independence and ego from inferiority. 她是男权社会陈腐观念的受害者,挣扎着从自卑中走向独立、自我。
- In short, madness in this novel is a revelation of female struggle in unshackling the confinements of the patriarchal society. 正是通过疯癫,女性得以反抗社会的压抑,表达自己的意志,并且保持其独立的身份。
- This study aims to explore how men are concerned with and involved in gender issues in a patriarchal society. 本论文即企图理解处在一个性别歧视的父权社会中的男性如何去关心性别议题,进而形成性别意识。
- Dorset in rebellion against the exchange of marriage in the patriarchal society. 华顿用莉莉来解构这个以金钱为中心的男权社会,在莉莉的衬托下,“欢乐之家”中的那些贵族们是那样的卑鄙、肮脏、庸俗不堪。
- In the patriarchal society of ancient China, clothes had their ethical pursuit transcending sensibility. 在宗法文化的背景下,中国古代的服饰有着超越感性需要的伦理追求。
- Ancient Chinese society is the patriarchal society founded on the patriarchal system. 中国古代社会是根据宗法制度建立起来的宗法社会。
- Little girls epitomise a patriarchal society's ideal of compliant, docile sexuality. 小女孩体现了父权社会对女性提出的顺从而且性温顺的理想标准。
- The old woman's inner workings show women's tragic destiny in the traditional patriarchal society, who have no power, no social position. 这位老妇人的内心世界透视了在传统的父权社会里处于边缘地位的女人的悲惨命运,她没有任何权利,没有任何社会地位。
- Jesus loves and redeems women equally just as he does to men, which was of“ revolutionary" significance in the Jewish paternal patriarchal society. 耶稣以其博爱的胸怀,有“爱”及女性的一面,把女性当作其救赎事业中的平等成员,在当时犹太父权社会中具有“革命”性的意义。
- China is a very strong patriarchal society, focus importantly linking to relation by blood, also distinct from close and distant. 中国是一个宗法观念很强的社会,非常重视血缘纽带关系,而且亲疏分明。
- Catherine Earnshaw is a new image of androgyny and plays an important role in deconstructing the binary antagonism in patriarchal society. 凯瑟琳是一个双性同体的新形象,对瓦解父权社会的性别二元对立论有重要的作用。
- AU these three women, including Mrs Morel, become victim of the patriarchal society and the stones in Paul's life road to success, to some extent. 所有三个女性,包括莫莱尔夫人,在某种程度上,都成为这个男权中心社会的受害者和男权主义者保罗走向成功的踏脚石。
- The mythical origin of the Gelede is said to reflect the transformation from a matriarchal society into a patriarchal society. 杰莱德的神秘起源反映了从母系社会到族长制社会的转变过程。
- However, her final drowning in the sea is her last voiceless but strong denounciation against the masculinist and patriarchal society. 艾德娜对理想的追求是注定要失败的,自我灭亡就是最后的无言反抗。
- Jesus loves and redeems women equally just as he does to men,which was of “revolutionary"significance in the Jewish paternal patriarchal society. 耶稣以其博爱的胸怀,有“爱”及女性的一面,把女性当作其救赎事业中的平等成员,在当时犹太父权社会中具有“革命”性的意义。
- The modern women image manifested by Atwood and the patriarchal society exposed by Atwood are held in esteem by some feminists. 在文中所表现的现代女性形象及对父权社会所进行的抨击受到女权主义者的推崇。
- "Footbinding limited women's movements to satisfy men's desires in a patriarchal society when women didn't have an equal status. “在家长制社会,妇女没有平等的地位。而缠足限制了妇女的行动,满足了男人的欲望。”