- Marshal Zhukov's contribution to the Great Patriotic War is unparalleled to anyone. 朱可夫元帅为伟大卫国战争胜利做出的贡献无人能及。
- To his left another crane lifted a hull section from the starboard reactor compartment of “The Great Patriotic War”. 左边,另一架吊车正从"卫国战争"号右舷核反应堆处吊起一段艇壳。
- To the Chinese People, the Great Patriotic War in Russia also has its special significance. 对中国人民而言,俄罗斯伟大的卫国战争有着特殊的意义。
- We end up with a number for permanent losses of our Armed Forces in the Great Patriotic War of around 13,850,000 persons. 我们最后得到的我们的武装力量在伟大卫国战争中的永久性损失数字是约1385万人。
- Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, which will fundamentally change the war situation. 斯大林格勒战役是苏联卫国战争的转折点,从根本上改变了战局 。
- And the Great Battle of Stalingrad marks the strategic turning point of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War as well. 伟大的斯大林格勒战役标志着伟大卫国战争和第二次世界大战的战略转折点。
- As the deputy chief editor of this journal I am constantly aware of the polemics which carry on in these pages on the subject of permanent [bezvozratnyy] losses of the Soviet Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War. 作为杂志的副总编,我一直留意这几个页面上持续不断地关于伟大卫国战争中,苏联武装力量永久性损失的辩论。
- Vietnamese Patriotic War of Resistance againstAmerica 越南反美爱国战争
- He was anxious to show himself patriot. 他急于表明自己是个爱国者。
- Vietnamese Patriotic War of Resistance against America 越南反美爱国战争
- His patriotic action raised our admiration. 他的爱国行为激起了我们的敬佩。
- The song aroused patriotic sentiment. 这首歌唤起了爱国情操。
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 战争因军火不足而失败。
- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市长确信反犯罪活动之战争必定胜利。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 战争无望在短期内结束。
- She is a patriot to her country. 她热爱她的祖国。
- A series of provocations led up to the border war. 一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战争的发生。
- The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 战争结束时,军队即被解散。
- A Japanese battle cry or patriotic cheer. 万岁日本人在进攻时的呐喊或爱国的欢呼;
- Relations were slow to normalize after the war. 战后国际正常关系恢复缓慢。