- Does this mean that at all times and under all circumstances we should pay equal attention to these forces? 但是,是否我们应该在任何时间任何条件下,都同等地去注意这些工作呢?
- Fourth, the teaching process should the sentiment, the wisdom pay equal attention to, the personhood and studies is in perfect harmony. 第四,教学过程应该“情”、“知”并重,做人和求学水乳交融。
- The signatories undertake to pay equal attention to “shareholders, co-workers, customers and the society in which we operate”. 签署人承诺将会对“股东、同事、客户和我们所服务的社会”给予同等的关注。
- Zhu appealed to the media to pay equal attention to China's wastepaper processing, as it does to the country's timber imports. 第二,中国进口的木材里,很大一部分是回销到国外,是加工以后再出口。
- Insist people with talent equal emphasis on both IQ and EQ, knowledge and ability to pay equal attention to the cultivation of students thought a good character, study methods and study habits. 坚持做人与成才并重,智商与情商并重,知识与能力并重,致力于培养学生良好的思想品德、学习方法和学习习惯。
- Retains the building the comprehensive repair, pays equal attention to the new installment fire protection and the hygienic facility. 保留下来的建筑物将全面修葺,并重新装置防火及卫生设施。
- The Confucius Institute at Okayama Shoka University pays equal attention to language teaching and cultural activities. 冈山商科大学孔子学院在搞好语言教学的同时举办了各种各样的文化活动。
- In the international arena China should adhere to the guiding principle of paying equal attention to opposing hegemonism and international terrorism. 中国在国际舞台上应该坚持反对霸权主义与反对国际恐怖主义幷重的方针。
- He began to attach importance to serviceability of research, and paid equal attention to historical research's subjectivity and objectivity. 开始重视史学研究的现实功用,将史学研究的主观性和客观性并重。
- pay equal attention to learning and teaching 学教并重
- Two years later, before German prosperous building collapsing, Zhu Xinli withdraws prosperously finally from Germany pays equal attention to the palm Huiyuan domination. 两年后,在德隆大厦坍塌之前,朱新礼最终从德隆脱身并重掌汇源控制权。
- Current, steam matchs electronic business affairs to lack network, computer and steam to match the talented person that professional knowledge pays equal attention to. 当前,汽配电子商务缺乏网络、计算机和汽配专业知识并重的人才。
- The punitive compensation is extending from the right infringement dispute to the direction which pays equal attention to the right infringement dispute and the contract dispute. 摘要惩罚性赔偿正在由侵权纠纷向侵权与合同纠纷并重的方向扩张。
- While stressing the protection of freedom of religious belief China pays equal attention to the protection of the freedom not to believe in religion,thus ensuring freedom of religious belief in a complete sense. 中国在强调保护信教自由时,也强调保护不信教的自由,把两者置于同等重要的位置,从而在完整意义上体现了宗教信仰自由。
- Profits from overseas experience in paying equal attention to both legislation rules and organization construction, we must grasp those cardinal principles during legislation process. 借鉴国外立法规制与机构建设并重的经验,我国在政策性银行法立法过程中,应重视基本原则的把握。
- Pay equal attention to ethical and material progress 物质文明建设和精神文明建设一起抓
- Yangzhou HYVA: Pay Equal Attention to Product Quality and Enterprise Culture 扬州海沃:产品品质与企业文化并重
- Paying equal attention to learning and teaching 学教并重
- Pay equal attention to materials and social basic infrastructure project 物质性和社会性并重基础工程
- paying equal attention to construction and maintenance 建养并重