- Be cause there is not enough money in the estate to pay in full. 因为遗产中没有足够的钱供全部支付。
- Because there is not enough money in the estate to pay in full. 因为遗产中没有足够的钱供全部支付。
- He is unable to pay in full the entrance fee of six guilders. 他不用再支付6荷兰盾的入会费。
- The bill must be paid in full by the last day of this month. 帐单须在本月底之前全部付清。
- His teacher has been paid in full measure for the time she spent on him. 他的老师按所花费的时间得到了充分的报酬。
- The bill was marked "paid in full". 帐单上注明“全部付清”。
- Paid in full with a glass of milk. 医药费已付:一杯牛奶。
- All of the invoices have been paid in full to date. 所有发票迄今已全部付清。
- The tuition fee must be paid in full before next month. 学费必须在下个月之前全额支付。
- If you will grant us a few days'grace (extension),we promise to pay in full our account with you. 若蒙贵方宽容几天,本公司答应付清全额帐款。
- The party of the first part in receives a product for month to pay in full the loans. 甲方在收到产品一个月内付清货款。
- The Customer shall pay in full any sums due to the Bank under any of these indemnities on demand. 客户须按要求全数支付在此等弥偿项下欠本行的任何款项。
- Paid in full with a glass of milk.”( Signed) Dr. Howard Kelly. 医药费已付:一杯牛奶。”(名)华德-凯利医生。
- A promise in writing made on a draft by the drawee to pay in full the amount quoted on the draft at maturity date. 付款人标注于汇票上的书面保证,以承诺在票据到期时按上面所注明的款项付费。
- The money will be paid in full by the last day of tiffs month. 截止到本月最后一天要将钱全部付清。
- I begrudge every penny I pay in tax. 我交税交的每一便士心里都不痛快。
- If a customer didn't pay in full, she'd keep his briefcase, or his hat, or anything worth a little money like a pair of gloves or a cane. 她有时候劈手就抢客人的皮夹,有时候留下人家的帽子或值钱一点的手套与手杖。
- Mr Robinson wants to pay in kind for the bike. 鲁宾逊先生想以实物交换来获得这辆自行车。
- The accordion was in full blast in the hall. 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。
- Shareholders shall pay in full their respective subscribed capital contributions specified in the articles of association. 股东应当足额缴纳公司章程中规定的各自所认缴的出资额。