- Both had reneged on paying off the loan. 两人都违背了还清贷款的诺言。
- When are you planning to pay off your loan? 你打算什么时候还清你的债款?
- He has a huge overdraft to pay off. 他有一大笔透支要偿还。
- Law Analysis of the Feature of Paying off loan ahead of Schedule 按揭借款人提前还款行为性质及法律分析
- It took them three years to pay off the debt. 他们三年才还清欠债。
- How many payments will it take to pay off this loan ? 分期贷款几期?
- Next he undertook to pay off the debts. 然后他同意负责偿还债务。
- If he can not pay off the loan that becomes due soon. 假如他不能偿清即将到期的贷款,他就要破产了。
- We will have more money to spend after we pay off our loan. 在付清贷款后,我们会有更多钱花。
- How many payments will it take to pay off this loan? 分期贷款几期
- You must pay off your old loan before you can obtain a new one. 你必须还清旧账, 然后才能再借款。
- At worst we'll have to sell the house so as to pay off our debts. 在最坏的情况下,我们将不得不卖掉房子来还清债务。
- You must pay off your solution before securing another loan. 你在借款作保前,必须清偿整所有债务。
- Soon they had paid off the loan. 不久他们就把贷款还清了。
- The trade union has agreed the company's pay offer. 工会同意了公司的付酬条件。
- He sold his car and paid off all the loan. 他把汽车卖了,抵缴了全部贷款。
- Our plan certainly paid off; it was a great idea. 我们的计划当然成功了,那是个很好的主意。
- pay off loan 还清贷款
- The company has paid off some redundant employees. 公司在发放工资后解雇了一些多余的雇员。
- You'll have to pay off your old loan before being allowed a new one. 你必须还清旧债,才能重新贷款。