- I have my own peculiar way of doing things. 我有自己独特的做事方式。
- She quirked her head in a peculiar way. 她以奇怪的方式急转她的头。
- The dispute broke into the open in a peculiar way. 这一争论以一种奇特的方式公开了出来。
- She showed her sympathy in her own peculiar way. 她以他特有的方式表达了她的同情。
- She's actually very friendly in her own peculiar way. 她有她自己独特的表达友好的方式。
- His own peculiar way of doing things surprised all of us. 他做事情的特殊方法使我们都感到吃惊。
- She expressed her gratitude to him in her own peculiar way. 她用自己独特的方式对他表达谢意。
- Her eyes were shaded by long black eyelashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way. 她那黑黑的长睫毛非常别致地朝上弯曲着。
- Her eyes were shaded by long.black eyelashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way. 她那黑黑的长睫毛非常别致地朝上弯曲着。
- Those who are superstitious usually think they can communicate with such force through some peculiar way. 迷信者往往相信自己可以通过某种特殊的方式同这种力量沟通。
- While playing the kouxian with the hands, one needs to sing in a certain, peculiar way, which makes the kouxian very hard to learn. 手中握着口弦,演奏者需要一种特别的罕见的方式“演唱”,这使得口弦难学。
- With the growing of human cultures, Chinese folk Contra Dance has been developing continuously, helping confide affection between dancers in a peculiar way. 本论文旨在对中国民间对舞的一番梳理与探索的同时对其发展、建构进行了更多的思辩。
- Of the 19th-century Masood tribe of Waziristan, Sir Olaf wrote that they wanted “at all costs to resist subjection and to preserve their own peculiar way of life. 奥拉夫爵士写道,在19世纪瓦奇里斯坦的马苏德(Masood)部落,他们意欲“不惜一切代价地抵抗征服,并保护自己的特殊的生活方式。
- But the addition as population, existent need, the northeast area with fecund, resourceful land is broken through stage by stage ban, socioeconomy still is developing adagio with its peculiar way. 但随着人口的增加,生存的需要,土地肥沃、资源丰富的东北地区逐步冲破封禁,社会经济仍以它特有的方式缓慢地发展着。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight. 假如我做得到的话,我今晚会去看电影。
- This style of cooking is peculiar to the country. 这种烹调方法是那个国家的特色。
- His own peculiar way of doing things 他自己专门的做事方法
- The Mid-Autumn Festival is peculiar to China. 中秋节是中国所独有的。