- peltate paraphysis 盾状隔丝
- The type of trichome is peltate scale in abaxial. 叶上下表皮均有盾状鳞,上表皮仅有针状毛;
- Surface scales obvious, white to ferruginous, peltate, ca. 0.2 mm in diam. 表面鳞片明显,白色到铁锈色,盾形,直径约0.;2毫米。
- A Eurasian plant(Umbilicus rupestris)having thick,peltate leaves and yellowish - green flowers. 一种长有较厚且呈盾形的叶子和黄绿色花朵的亚欧(龙胆科小草)植物
- A Eurasian plant(Umbilicus rupestris) having thick, peltate leaves and yellowish-green flowers. 一种长有较厚且呈盾形的叶子和黄绿色花朵的亚欧(龙胆科小草)植物
- There are 1 or 2 secretory cells in a capitate glandular hair but 8 secretory cells in a peltate glandular hair. 头状腺毛的头部只有1个或2个分泌细胞,盾状腺毛由8个分泌细胞构成头部。
- The peltate hairs were composed of one base cell, one stalk cell and a head of eight to twelve secreting-cells. 多细胞盾状腺毛由1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和一个由8-12个分泌细胞构成的头部组成。
- Trees or shrubs, evergreen or deciduous, monoecious or dioecious, aromatic, often with resinous, peltate glands. 乔木或者灌木,常绿或者落叶,雌雄同株或者雌雄异株,芳香,通常有盾形树脂腺体。
- Leaves usually pedately compound, rarely ternate, not peltate; carpels 2, connate at base. 叶通常鸟足状复合,很少三出,不盾形;心皮2,在基部合生。(28
- Results Cuticular papillates, glandular hairs, peltate scales, and non-glandular hairs presented on the leaf epidermis of C. paliurus. 结果青钱柳叶表皮有许多小乳突,腺毛,盾状鳞片和非腺毛表皮毛;
- A widely cultivated tropical Asian plant(Colocasia esculenta) having broad, peltate leaves and a large, starchy, edible tuber. 芋:一种产于亚洲热带地区的被广泛种植的植物(芋芋属),生有盾状叶和一个大的淀粉质的可食用块茎
- The apical cell would develop into the head cells of peltate glandular hairs if the stalk cell kept meristematic and flat-shaped. 若柄细胞保持扁平状且处于分生状态时,其顶细胞将发育成盾状腺毛的头部;
- Leaves distinctly peltate at base. Sepals less than 2.8 cm wide. Petals shorter than or subequaling stamens, less than 8 mm. 叶清楚的盾形的在基部。萼片少于2.;8厘米宽。花瓣短于或近等长于雄蕊,不到8毫米
- If the stalk cell kept meristematic,the apical cell would continue to divide anticlinally up to form 8 or 16 secretory cells of peltate glandular hairs. 有的腺毛的柄细胞保持分生组织状态,其顶细胞继续进行多次垂周分裂,从而形成由8个或16个横向扩展的分泌细胞构成头部的盾状腺毛。
- Any of several aquatic plants of the genus Cabomba,having opposite,finely divided,fanlike submersed leaves and alternate,entire,peltate floating leaves. 软水草一种生在水中的东半球植物(黑藻黑藻属),叶片呈螺纹形、矛状,雌雄异株,花为单生、腋生
- Using scanning electron microscopy techniques to observe the leaves surface of Alnus mandshurica and find it far axial epidermis with peltate glandular hairs. 利用电镜扫描技术,观察东北桤木叶片表面,发现其远轴面表皮上具有盾状腺毛。
- Any of several aquatic plants of the genus Cabomba, having opposite, finely divided, fanlike submersed leaves and alternate, entire, peltate floating leaves. 水盾草水盾草属水草植物,有相对立的、扇形的水中生长的分叶及交错的完整盾状浮叶
- Characteristics: Perennial evergreen erect herb, rhizome large. Leaves simple, peltate, up to 1 m long, margin entire; spadix near apex; berry red when ripe. 形态:多年生直立草本,根茎粗大。单叶盾状,可达1公尺长,全缘;佛焰花序近顶生;浆果成熟红色。