- There are many possession crimes which regulated in dispersion type in penal code of 1997, and from then on, the group of criminal law opens out abroad discussion. 摘要1997年刑法典以散在型的立法方式规定了若干个持有型犯罪,自此刑法理论界开始广泛探讨该类犯罪。
- They form a great shock to the present penal code and also cause a conflict between the traditional criminal law theories and the practical crime at the same time. 计算机犯罪与传统犯罪的巨大差异,对现行刑法典形成巨大冲击,同时也造成了传统刑法理论与现实犯罪态势的冲突。
- penal code; criminal law 刑法
- The theory of implicated offense was embodied everywhere among "Bavaria Penal Code(draft)" written in 1824 by P.J. A. Feuerbach (1775-1833), German scholar on criminal law, "Japan Penal Code" published in 1907 still in use now; 从德国刑法学家费尔巴哈(1775-1833年)于1824年受命起草的《巴伐利亚刑法典(草案)》到曾在牵连犯问题上有过反复,但现在仍在施行的1907年(明治40年)颁布的《日本刑法典》;
- Civil law is different to criminal law. 民法与刑法是不同的。
- Scotland has its own criminal law. 苏格兰有它自己的刑法。
- Inferior man violates the penal code. 小人犯刑
- An outworn penal code;outworn clothes. 无用的刑罚法规;破衣服
- He continued to lecture on criminal law at Rome University. 他继续在罗马大学教授刑法。
- We have studied the criminal law. 我们学习了刑法。
- Imposing severe criminal policy to the securities crime, it is consistent with the tolerant and economic character of the Penal Code, and not to violate criminal policy. 对证券犯罪施以严厉的刑事政策,符合刑法谦抑性与刑法经济性,不违背宽严相济刑事政策。
- The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law. 讲课人继续解释说民法与刑法是不同的。
- Voluntary surrender is an important system of penal institution in criminal law of China. 自首制度,是我国刑法中的一项重要刑罚制度。
- The punishments for robbery and murder are prescribed in the penal code. 对抢劫和凶杀的惩罚在刑法中有明文规定。
- She's an authority on criminal law. 她是刑法专家。
- Essentially, Article 356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recidivist. 刑法典第三百五十六条实质上是关于特别累犯的规定。
- Criminal law and correctional systems. 刑法及改造体系。
- The subject of crime has the meaning of graveness in the penal code. 犯罪主体在刑法中具有重大的意义。
- What does the Criminal Law Regulate? 刑法的调整对象?