- Our manager is conversant with account system. 我们的经理精通会计制度。
- An Analysis on the Divisor of Personal Retirement Pension Accounts System 对个人养老金账户中除数取值的分析
- pension accounting system 企业年金会计核算
- He doesn't know the nuts and bolts of our accounting system. 他一点也不了解我们会计系统的基本细节。
- Prepare JEs to accounting system. 会计凭证的编制和录入。
- The accounting of employer pension is a statures of the accounting system,naturally,it also has own a set d eoneept and frame. 这套概念框架具有了财务会计概念框架的所有共性,又具有企业年金会计的特殊个性,它是企业年金会计处理与报告的理论基础。
- Local Automatic Message Accounting System. 本地自动通话记帐系统的简称,也叫市话计费方式。
- We have problems with the old accounting system. 我们原有的会计系统存在着问题。
- He advises a reform to the accounting system. 他建议对会计体系进行改革。
- We must fully understand the new accounting system. 我们要吃准新的会计制度。
- Assisting to manage EDP Accounting System. 7.;负责电算化系统的协助管理;
- He do not know the nuts and bolt of our accounting system. 他一点也不了解我们会计系统的基本细节。
- Clause One With regarding to going through the formalities of transferring basic retirement insurance, the bookkeeping saving on his pension account should not be transferred. 一)基本养老保险办理关系转移手续;基本养老保险个人账户记账存款额不作转入.
- There seems to be a bug in the new accounting system. 看来新的会计制度存在一些小问题。
- The State shall exercise a uniform accounting system. 国家实行统一的会计制度。
- I believe you are thinking of changing our accounting system. 我想你们是在考虑更换我们的会计体系吧?
- Usually a country's accounting system refers to the General Ledger. 通常一个国家的会计体系就是指一般通用会计。
- The business enterprise accounting system is a concrete norm checks the work. 企业会计制度是企业会计核算工作的具体规范.
- This concept applies to firms that employ an accrual basis accounting system. 这一概念适用于采用权责发生制会计系统的企业。
- Their new accounting system will help clip the wings of any would-be embezzlers. 他们的新会计制度有助于杜绝可能发生的贪污行为。