- He went to the post office to draw his pension. 他到邮局去取退休金了。
- The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子弹受到普遍的关注。
- He administer a large pension fund. 他管理一大笔养老金。
- There was a bomb scare during the procession. 在列队行进时因怀疑有炸弹而引起恐慌。
- He retired on a company pension. 他退休时得到公司的退休金。
- The bomb exploded in a twinkling. 炸弹一会儿就爆炸了。
- The company pension scheme is non- contributory. 这个公司的退休基金计划是不缴纳费用。
- That dress must have cost (her) a bomb! 那连衣裙一定花了(她)很多钱!
- The bomb was exploded by remote control. 这颗炸弹是遥控引爆的。
- He's got nothing beyond his state pension. 除了国家发的养老金,他一无所有。
- The bomb went off in a crowded street. 炸弹在熙来攘往的街道上爆炸了。
- She supplements her pension by taking in washing. 她在家里替人洗衣服以贴补养老金之不足。
- The bomb went off, killing three people. 炸弹爆炸,炸死了3个人。
- He claimed a pension by virtue of his long illness. 由於长期生病,他申请救助金。
- The terrorists planted a bomb in the post office. 恐怖分子在邮局安放了一枚炸弹。
- He claimed a pension in virtue of his long illness. 由于长期生病,他申请救助金。
- He had stayed at the pension for a fortnight. 他已在那个小旅馆待了两个星期。
- Anti-nuclear organizations want to ban the bomb. 反核武器组织要求禁止使用核武器。
- A pension is often commutable into a lump sum. 养老金常可改为一次性总付款。
- At that time, China did not yet have the bomb. 那时,中国还未拥有核武器。