- He prefers to assort with people of his own age. 他更喜欢与自己的同龄人交往。
- He represents the people of Bradford in Parliament. 他在国会中代表布拉德福选区的人民。
- Emulation is the whetstone of wits. 竞赛是智力的磨刀石.
- To people of our generation Kennedy was a god. 对我们这一代人来说,肯尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像。
- Young people of today are not degenerating. 今天的青年并没有在变坏。
- People of every faith attended the mayor's funeral. 信仰不同宗教的人士出席了市长的葬礼。
- The game was a long battle of wits. 这场游戏是长时间的斗智。
- Don't mix with people of that stamp. 不要和那种人交往。
- John: I suggest we wage a battle of wits. 我建议我们发动一场智慧战争。
- People of the Stone Age used rude tools. 石器时代的人使用粗糙简陋的工具。
- Penguin Generals always win in a battle of wits. 企鹅将军始终赢得斗智周旋。
- We need more people of his mold. 我们需要更多他那种类型的人。
- The two of them had an encounter of wits. 这是那两军之间的一次激烈的遭遇战。
- The firm needs more people of your calibre. 公司需要多找些有你这种才干的人。
- To give and keep there are need of wit. 施舍和守财,傻瓜做不来。
- The people of town armed themselves a gainst all possible attack. 他们全镇的人都武装起来,准备抵抗敌人可能发动的任何袭击。
- Want of wit is worse than want of wealth. 无知劣于无钱。
- One of the common people of ancient Rome. 平民古罗马的普通公民之一
- The short act is full of wit and humor. 这段小品妙趣横生。
- The people of Scandinavia; the Scandinavians. 斯堪的纳维亚民族; 斯堪的纳维亚人