- Compare person, persons, people and peoples. 试比较person、 persons、 people、 peoples的用法.
- Compare person,persons,people and peoples. 试比较person.;persons;people;和people的用法
- There are only lazy people and people, that are not persistent enough. 记住,没有笨人,只有懒惰的和固执的人。
- German writer who lived in Paris after1831. His romantic poems and social essays are marked by his love for the German land and people and derision for many modern German institutions. 海涅,亨利希1797-1856德国作家,自1831年之后生活在巴黎。他的浪漫主义诗歌及社会论文充满了他对自己祖国土地和人民的热爱,对众多德国现代研究机构的嘲笑
- We should treat people and animals with humanity. 我们应该仁慈地对待人和动物。
- This needs to be put on CD. This needs to be heard by Chinese people and people in the world. 它们应当被录制成CD,被中国国内外的人听到。
- On behalf of the Chinese Government and people and in my own name,I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you. 首先,我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向各位表示热烈的欢迎!
- They moved the local people and settle them in another place. 他们把当地人迁移到别处定居。
- It promotes effective communication between people and people, people and society, organizations and communicate. 促进了人与人、人与社会、组织与组织之间信息的有效沟通。
- The contact between people and people gets a fat lot when they can get any information what they want at home. 当人们在家里就能得到任何所需信息时;人与人之间的接触就很少了.
- It promotes effective communication between people and people, people and society, organizations and organizations. 促进了人与人、人与社会、组织与组织之间信息的有效沟通。
- These problems seriously affect the quality and endanger the country and people and property. 这些问题严重影响到工程质量,危及国家和人民财产安全。
- She shows a total disregard for other people and their feelings. 她显然丝毫也不顾及别人以及别人的感情。
- In Wuhu we visited the Chery factory and we spoke with pr people and people of the R&D department. 在芜湖我们采访了奇瑞工厂并且和奇瑞公关和研发部门谈了一些。
- Mosquitoes like to suck the blood of people and animals. 蚊子喜好吸人和动物的血。
- They have the great feelings with a kind of altruistic and consecratory career that is party and people and great mind. 他们都具有一种为党和人民的事业无私奉献的伟大情怀和崇高精神。
- Zhukangning Capsule is especially suitable for high blood fat crowd, mid-aged and senior people and people of low immunity. 竹康宁胶囊特别适合高血脂人群、中老年人、免疫力低下者服用。
- People and things are substantial; dreams and ghosts are not. 人和事物是真实的; 梦和鬼魂是虚幻的。
- I would like/wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people. 我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。
- A kind girl tries to help people and make them happy. 有同情心的女孩是会设法帮助人并使他们快乐的。