- per unit volume concentration 单位体积浓度
- By the charge density we mean the per unit volume. 所谓的电荷密度是指单位体积的电荷。
- Regenerants requirements are expressed in terms of weight per unit volume of bed. 再生剂需要量以床的单位容积所需要的再生剂重量表示。
- Within the remainder of the dielectric the net charge per unit volume remains zero. 在电介质的其余部分,单位体积的静电荷仍为零。
- The total dislocation length per unit volume of material; alternately, the number of dislocations that intersect a unit area of a random surface section. 材料单位体积内的位错线的总长度,或者在一个随机切面上的单位面积内切断的位错根数。
- Density: (1)In physics, it is an identification of material by noting its mass per unit volume. (1)在物理学上,是以每单位体积的质量来鉴别物质。
- Rain drop size distribution (DSD) is used to describe the raindrop spectral of all kinds of diameter per unit volume. 雨滴谱是指单位体积中雨滴大小的分布。
- The mass per unit volume of a substance under specified conditions of pressure and temperature. 比重在特定压力和温度条件下某物质单位体积的质量
- After the eccentric cam turning impeller, per unit volume reduction of the cavity. 叶轮转过偏心凸轮后,每单元空腔的容积减少。
- This is due to the fact that there is more coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete than when a larger, maximum size aggregate is used. 这是因为有更多的单位体积混凝土骨料比一面积较大,总计面积最大的运用。
- With so many such systems per unit volume of bone, we can say that bone is a well vascularized tissue. (By contrast, cartilage is avascular. 骨中有那么多得哈佛氏系统,所以我们可以说骨是血管化的组织(而软骨则为非血管化组织)。
- The total dislocation length per unit volume of material, alternately, the number of dislocations that intersect a unit area of a random surface section. 在单位体积材料中包含位错的长度,或者说在材料内部任意单位截面上位错线的根数。
- The surface area of aggregate per unit volume of mortar does have influence on the mean value of the nearest surface spacing, but the ratio between them is not constant. 单位砂浆体积下集料的表面积的变化对邻近集料表面最近间距的平均值有影响,但二者之间的比值并非常数。
- The impact penetrant specific energy of frozen soil indicates the work of chiseling the frozen soil per unit volume, and reflects the ability to impact frozen soil. 冻土凿碎比能是表示凿碎单位体积冻土所消耗的功,它反映了冲击破碎冻土的能力。
- A pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood, measured in unit volume concentrations of hemoglobin, red blood cell volume, or red blood cell number. 贫血血液中含氧成分的病理性缺失,通常用单位容量的血红蛋白、红血球浓度或红血球数量来计量
- Objective:Osteoporosis means that the bone weight per unit volume and bone strength reduce.which induce systematic osteonosus for increase of bone fragility. 目的:骨质疏松是指单位体积骨量的减少与骨强度的降低。骨量减少和骨显微结构受损既而引起骨脆性增加的系统性骨科疾病。
- A pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood,measured in unit volume concentrations of hemoglobin,red blood cell volume,or red blood cell number. 贫血,血液中含氧成分的病理性缺失,通常用单位容量的血红蛋白、红血球浓度或红血球数量来计量。
- The sinusoids are packed with RBC's in this case of hereditary spherocytosis.The osmotic fragility of spherocytes is increased, because the RBC's have decreased surface area per unit volume. 遗传性球形红细胞增多症中,窦状隙被RBC塞满,球形红细胞的渗透性脆性增加,因为RBC每单位体积的表面积减少。
- Reinforcement ratio per unit volume 体积配筋率
- Pressure is force per unit area. 压力就是电单位面积上的力。