- What percentage of the earth is covered by oceans? 地球上百分之多少被海水覆盖着?
- We have only a small percentage of foreign books. 我们只有一少部分外文书。
- Penetration - The percentage of homes subscribing to cable out of the total number of TV households in a given area. 入户率-在某个地区内,在所有电视用户的总数中,安装有线电视家庭所佔的百分比。
- She clung to her memories of home. 她念念不忘故乡。
- What percentage of children were absent? 缺席的学童占百分之几?
- Each of them got a percentage of the profits. 他们每个人都得到一部分利润。
- The bikes are of home manufacture. 这些自行车是本国制造的。
- Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌所含酒精的百分比很高。
- She longed for the comforts of home. 她渴望获得使家居舒适的各种设备。
- Penetration - The t percentage of homes Marketing subscribing to cable out of the total number of TV households in a given area. 入户率-在某个地区内,在所有电视用户的总数中,安装有线电视家庭所占的百分比。
- What percentage of his income is taxable? 他的收入有多少需纳所得税?
- Sales of home computers have taken off in recent years. 家庭电脑的销售量近年来上升很快。
- Q: I'm a home user only running Linux do I need it? 问:我是一个家庭用户,而且只使用Linux操作系统,我需要它吗?
- Do you know the percentage of the damaged portion? 你们知道残损部分的百分比吗?
- After the quietness of home and school, university has been almost frightening. 过惯了家庭和中学的平静生活之後,大学简直有些可怕了。
- The percentage of unskilled workers is small. 非熟练工的比例很小。
- The pitcher tagged him out on a steal of home. 投手在他偷回本垒时将他刺杀出局。
- A large percentage of the budget is for armaments. 预算的中很大一部分是用于军备的。
- In love of home, the love of country has its rise. 爱国之情产生了爱家之情。
- The percentage of sound seed is usually 2-10%. 其健壮的种子通常仅占2-10%25。