- In this papaer, the view point that the position of percussion fuse would affect the reliability of the network is suggested. 本文就非电导爆管网路击发点的布设与构成,对网路可靠性的影响等因素,浅谈一些看法,对爆破实践有一定的指导作用。
- A device, such as a fuse or percussion cap, used to set off an explosive charge. 引爆器用来引爆炸药的装置,例如引线或火帽等
- Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature. 铅会在相当低的温度下熔化。
- A similar board used as a percussion instrument. 敲击板用作打击乐器的一种类似的板
- It seems that you've blown a fuse. 看样子你把保险丝烧断了。
- Changing a fuse is one of those fiddly jobs I hate. 我最不愿意干换保险丝这类活儿了。
- Don't irritate her, she's on a short fuse today. 别惹她,她今天动不动就发火。
- A short circuit will blow the fuse. 短路会烧断保险丝的。
- We fuse copper and tin to make bronze. 我们把铜和锡熔制成青铜。
- He struck a match and ignited the fuse. 他划了根火柴,点著了导火索。
- percussion fuse 碰炸引信
- Electrical and Percussion Fuse 电发与着发引信
- He is famous for his nasty temper.He has a very short fuse. 他脾气坏是出了名的。他很容易激动。
- Percussion instruments or their players considered as a group. 把打击乐器或他们的演奏者看成一组
- A device,such as a fuse or percussion cap,used to set off an explosive charge. 引爆器用来引爆炸药的装置,例如引线或火帽等
- time and percussion fuse 定时与着发引信,复动引信
- I know how to mend a fuse and I don't need you shoving your oar in! 我知道怎麽弄保险丝,用不著你管!
- Diamond drilling replaced percussion drilling. 金钻探取代了冲击钻探。
- Our neighbor has a short fuse and always quarrels with others. 我们的邻居脾气暴躁总跟人吵架。
- Percussion of the abdomen is often omitted. 腹部叩诊常被省略。