- He performed many daring exploits. 他曾有许多大胆之举。
- He performed many daring exploits,such as crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat. 他进行了许多大胆的探险,例如乘小船横渡大西洋。
- He performed many daring exploits英语, such as crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat. 他有许多功绩英语英语,例如乘着划艇横渡大西洋。
- perform many daring exploits 做出许多英勇事迹
- The daring exploits of the parachutists were much admired. 跳伞者大胆的冒险动作令人赞叹不已。
- There are many daring similes in this book. 这本书中使用了很多明喻。
- He had proved himself a most daring airman. 他已证明自己是个极其勇敢的飞行员。
- This gadget can perform many different functions. 这种机器具有多种功能。
- A computer can perform many tasks at once. 电脑能同时做多项工作。
- Then an even more daring idea came to me. 之后,一个更为大胆的想法出现在我脑海里。
- Machines can now perform many repetitive tasks in the home. 现在,机器可以做许多重复乏味的家务事。
- A couple of central banks are much more daring. 有两个中央银行则要大胆的多。
- H: --came up with his most daring rescue plan ever! 就想出了他最大胆的营救计划!
- Windows includes accessories that you can use to perform many everyday tasks. Windows含有许多附件,可以用来处理许多日常事务。
- Ex: He had proved himself a most daring airman. 他已证明自己是个极其勇敢的飞行员。
- Throughout the Republic, citizens would spread tales of the two Jedi heroes -- Anakin's hologenic features and daring exploits earned him the moniker of "The Hero With No Fear. 在整个共和国,市民们都传诵着这两位绝地英雄的事迹,阿纳金的男子汉气概和英勇的功绩为他赢得了“无畏英雄”(TheHeroWithNoFear)的外号。
- You should be more daring and work for faster development. 可以胆子大点,发展快点。
- In all probability, they could perform many different musical instruments. 他们很可能会演奏许多种不同的乐器。
- Harry is fond of shooting his mouth off about his daring exploits in action during the last war, but I happen to know he was a storeman at Colchester barracks for the whole of his time in the army. 哈里喜欢夸口说他在战争中的英勇行为,但有一次我碰巧得知,他在军队的整个服役期间只不过是个科切斯特营房中的一个仓库管理员。
- He was known far and wide as the most daring sailor on the seas. 远近各处都知道他是个航行于大海上的最勇敢的水手。