- Ownership chaining also offers a slight performance advantage in scenarios that allow for skipping permission checks. 所有权链接在允许跳过权限检查的方案中对性能也有少许提高。
- As you can observe from our data, Domino 7 running on Windows 2003 had a significant CPU usage performance advantage over Domino 6.5. 正如从数据中所看到的;运行在Windows 2003操作系统上的Domino 7比Domino 6.;5有显著的CPU性能改进。
- It can be concluded that MTM has a performance advantage of WOSA with equivalent computational loads and appropriate number of the tapers. 通过分析可以得到:在计算量相当的情况下,使用合适的窗口数目时,MTM的估计性能较好;
- Longer queries usually benefit from parallel plans; the performance advantage negates the additional time required to initialize, synchronize, and terminate parallel plans. 并行计划对需时较长的查询通常更加有益;其性能优势将抵消初始化、同步和终止并行计划所需的额外时间开销。
- Staying on the subject of garbage collection, one really fascinating discussion concerned whether there was a performance advantage to explicitly nulling variables. 一谈到垃圾收集这个主题,总会涉及到这样一个吸引人的讨论,即显式地赋空变量是否有助于程序的性能。
- CLR functions offer significant performance advantage over Transact-SQL functions for computational tasks, string manipulation, and business logic. Transact-SQL functions are better suited for data-access intensive logic. 和用于计算任务、字符串操作和业务逻辑的Transact-SQL函数相比,CLR函数具有显著的性能优势。
- Userland threads have the advantage of being very fast in the simple case, though the complexities of call conversion eats into this performance advantage for applications that make many system calls. 用户态线程的优势是在平常情况下速度非常快,不过在应用程序需要许多系统调用时,调用转换的复杂性抵消了这种性能上的优势。
- Furthermore, RIST provides a unified index on both content and structure of the XML documents, hence it has a performance advantage over methods indexing either content or structure. 另外,RIST还在XML文档的内容和结构上提供了一个统一的索引,所以它的一个很明显的优势就是克服了仅仅根据内容或结构建立索引的弊端。
- When Amazon is fitted with RCA plugs, two conductor pairs are used together for the much higher potential across the negative connection, providing a substantial performance advantage. 当“亚马逊”以RCA作插头,两对导体则被一起使用,以应付更高的电位通过负连结时,提供更为优异的表现。
- GaN MMICs reportedly have a significant performance advantage in that they provide significantly higher radio frequency power with greater efficiency than current modules, the company said. 雷声公司称正在演示使用氮化镓微波集成电路放大器的发射-接收模块。
- In addition to this, the proximity of cached memory can yield performance advantages too. 此外,缓存内存的接近也能产生性能优势。
- Fiber laser's unmatched performance advantages attracted the interest of researchers and attention of the industry. 摘要光纤激光器以其无与伦比的性能优势吸引了研究人员的兴趣和产业界的重视。
- Moreover,it incorporates multidimensionality in the core RDBMS,with significant performance advantages over approaches using separate OLAP engines. 而且,它在核心的RDBMS中包含多维性,比利用分开的OLAP(在线分析处理)引擎方法在性能上有显著的优势。
- Ready-to-use 2K EIFS based on VAE emulsions offer a number of important performance advantages over traditional dry mineral binding systems. 使用双组分乳液型外墙外保温系统相对于传统的单组分干粉系统具有如下优势性能。
- The performance truly exalted the audience. 演出确使观众情绪高昂。
- Moreover, it incorporates multidimensionality in the core RDBMS, with significant performance advantages over approaches using separate OLAP engines. 而且,它在核心的RDBMS中包含多维性,比利用分开的OLAP(在线分析处理)引擎方法在性能上有显著的优势。
- This paper introduces the difference between butt-welding and lapping-welding,states the performance advantages of butt-welding aluminum-plastic reunites tube. 介绍了搭接焊铝塑管和对接焊铝塑管的区别及对接铝塑管的性能优势。
- I didn't think her performance was up to par. 我认为她表现得不及平时。
- We need a yardstick to measure our performance by. 我们的表现需要一个检验的标准。
- Live performance is the best! I am still keyed up. 现场演出是最棒的!我仍兴奋不已。