- Training must be performance based. 培训必须基于绩效。
- Competency based training was made popular( Kirka1998) in the US in the70 s through the performance based vocational teacher education involvement. 上个世纪70年代,美国的职业教育就强调以实践技能为教育基础,要求从事职业培训教育的老师通过自己的言传身教将实际工作技能传授给学生。
- Competency based training was made popular (Kirka 1998) in the US in the 70s through the performance based vocational teacher education involvement. 上个世纪70年代,美国的职业教育就强调以实践技能为教育基础,要求从事职业培训教育的老师通过自己的言传身教将实际工作技能传授给学生。
- Seismic response analysis methods for performance based design II. 基于性能设计的建筑振动解析2。
- This can be done with project based education, where academics is a byproduct. 这是可以做到的基础教育项目,是一个学者副产品。
- Does a Competency Based Education Training for Vocational Education give Employers what they want? 注重能力培养的职业教育和培训能够真正及雇主之所需吗?
- Comparison and sorting is performed based on binary sort orders. 比较和排序都按照二进制的顺序进行处理。
- J.Burke. (ED.)( 1989 )Competency Based Education and Training. London:The Falmer Perss. P101. 石伟平.;比较职业技术教育
- Abstinence frees you from being valued on a performance basis. 节制使你不必因着行为而被人评价.
- It is said that a locally based education will encourage young people to stay in agriculture. 据说,当地教育将鼓励年轻人从事与农业相关的工作。
- We also simulate the normal Ad hoc routing protocols and analyze their performance based on Palm Calculus. 在此基础上,作者仿真了自组织网络常用的路由协议并进行性能分析。
- Project base education is empowering students to learn, where the instructor is a coach, a facilitator. 基础教育是提高项目学生学习,而教练是教练,一名调解人。
- Analysis on Optical Burst Switching(OBS)network performance based on the Poisson model would not be exactly. 使用泊松业务流模型对光突发交换网络进行性能分析不能准确地反映网络状态。
- At last, simulation is performed based on IEEE802.11a standard. 最后,在无线局域网标准IEEE802.;11a规范下,就慢衰落信道,对各种算法进行了仿真分析,验证了这些方法的性能。
- Computer Based Education(CBE)is an important research field inthw informational area. CBE research has developed greatly by the research work and persist efforts for many years. 计算机辅助教育是信息时代教育研究的重要内容;经过多年的研究和不懈努力;CBE研究得到了长足发展.
- Indicates that ASP.NET automatically configures the attributes in the preceding list to achieve optimal performance based on the machine configuration. 指示ASP.;NET自动配置上述列表中的属性;以便基于计算机配置实现最佳性能。
- Computer Based education, i. e. CBE, iseffecting and promoting the change of modern education idea, education structure and educa-tion content comprehensively. 而计算机辅助教育 CBE,将全面影响和推进现代教育思想、教育结构和教育内容的变革。
- This enables you to debug your applications and optimize their performance based on their behavior in your test environment. 这样,您就可以根据应用程序在测试环境中的行为来对其进行调试并优化它们的性能。
- Canadian CBE mode is a Competency Based Education, which is suitable for China and a effective system for constructing Chinese higher vocational education mode. 加拿大的CBE模式以能力本位为核心,符合我国的国情,为我国高等职业教育人才的培养模式提供了可借鉴的构建方法。
- GPMP Program Manager Certification is developed according to the to-be-released GAPPS Performance Based Competency Standards global program manager. 项目群经理认证符合GAPPS即将发布的全球绩效能力标准针对全球项目群经理能力的定义。