- perfused hindquater 灌流后肢
- His study is perfused with radiance. 他的书房充满了光线。
- Methods: The model was established on the rats 13 months old by D-Galactose solutions, with the perfus stomach with Baoshen Decoction. 方法:13月龄大鼠以D-半乳糖溶液造模,同时经胃灌注保肾汤水煎液,设西药组、青年组对照,2月后观察各组大鼠超微结构的改变。
- In isolated, perfused dog lungs infusion of serotonin caused an increase in microvascular pressure. 在离体灌注的狗肺血清素能导致微血管压增加。
- Probe into clinical effects on flexible denture perture perfused by network-shaped perfusion-path. 网络状注道灌注弹性义齿临床效果探讨。
- The range of the nurovascular flap were observed on 2 sides fresh adult cadavers lower limbs perfused with Chinese ink. 并在 2侧新鲜标本营养血管内灌注墨汁 ,观测血供范围。
- The rats in group D were perfused with CCE 3 into stomach for11weeks(one time a week,1mg /kg). D组:去卵巢+尼尔雌醇组。 D组尼尔雌醇灌胃,1mg/kg,1次/周,持续11周。
- In every coruse, 2 of them were perfused through the ascending aorta with prepared Chinese ink. 梗死体积
- Method After 4 weeks of tail suspension SOL and EDL of the rats were isolated and perfused. 方法采用离体SOL与趾长伸肌 (EDL)灌流方法 ,测量其单次与强直收缩张力。
- One week before the operation, 5 FU and CDDP were perfused to peritoneal in group one. 前组于术前一周经腹腔穿刺置管滴入化疗药顺铂及5FU。
- Methods:22 latex perfused cadaver hands and 34 artery cast specimens were dissected and measured. 方法:使用22只经血管灌注乳胶的手标本和34只手动脉铸型标本,对第2指蹼动脉分支分布及与手掌侧和背侧动脉的连接形式等进行解剖观测。
- Objective To observe the rat s myocardial ultrastructures after perfused by cardioplegia in 3 different temperatures. 目的观察不同温度停搏液鼠心灌注后大鼠心肌超微结构的变化,并探讨不同温度心肌保护下的效果差异。
- METHODS The absorption of pancreatic kininogenase from that perfused rat colon was studied. 方法用大鼠在体灌流法测定胰激肽原酶的大鼠结肠吸收。
- Anesthesia ends rapidly as the drug redistributes to more slowly perfused tissues. 当药物再分布于灌注更慢的组织时,麻醉迅速终止。
- Because fat is poorly perfused, equilibration time is long, especially if the drug has a high affinity for fat. 由于脂肪组织的血液灌注差,达到平衡状态所需的时间也长,非凡是那些脂肪亲和力高的药物。
- Objective To observe the rat's myocardial ultrastructures after perfused by cardioplegia in 3 different temperatures. 摘要目的观察不同温度停搏液鼠心灌注后大鼠心肌超微结构的变化,并探讨不同温度心肌保护下的效果差异。
- Conclusions: Flexible denture perfused by network-shaped wax path is characterized by a high success rate, l... 结论:网络状蜡注道灌注弹性义齿具有成功率高,节约材料,无气泡等优点。
- Anesthesia ends rapidly as the drug redistributes to more slowly perfused ti ues. 当药物再分布于灌注更慢的组织时,麻醉迅速终止。
- The stomachs in treatment group were perfused with CGWAR.The ultrastructures of is... 结论:复方白术颗粒能减轻大鼠急性缺血脑组织超微结构的损伤和水肿。
- The donor aorta,superior mesentery vein,biliary and duodenum were perfused with cool UW solution at the same time. 器官簇肠系膜上动脉和腹腔干分别与供体髂内、外动脉吻合,通过髂总动脉与受体腹主动脉吻合。