- The generalship was his aspiration. 将官之职位是他梦寐以求的目标。
- pericardial aspiration 心包抽液
- He has no aspiration for fame or gain. 他不图名利。
- She was filled with the aspiration to succeed in life. 她渴望有所成就。
- He cherishes a great aspiration. 他胸怀壮志。
- He nursed an aspiration to be a poet. 他心怀当诗人的愿望。
- Carefully dissect through the pericardial sack . 谨慎的剥离心包膜。
- This "pericardial knock" may be mistaken for an S3. 这种“心包叩击音”可以被误诊为S3。
- Man's aspiration should be as lofty as the stars. 人的志气应当象天上的星星那么高。
- The mediastinum is lined with the pericardium. 纵膈由心包所衬贴。
- He has aspiration for greatness. 他有建立丰功伟绩的大志。
- My aspiration has finally come true. 我的梦想终于实现了。
- Such a lofty aspiration should be ours. 我们要有这个雄心壮志。
- He nurses an aspiration to be a poet. 他心怀当诗人的愿望。
- I have no aspiration for [after] fame. 我对名声没有什么渴望 [我不好名] 。
- Mr. Gump has no aspiration for fame and wealth. 甘先生对名利很淡泊。
- So agonising. My whacked soul have no aspiration. 我很烦恼,困顿的梦魂没有渴望。
- Bleeding may occur in the peritoneum or pericardium. 可能在腹膜或心包内发生出血。
- Hulls may be removed by aspiration on screens. 脱下的种皮,可由筛子上的气吸装置吸除。
- Quality assurance of needle aspiration cytology. 针吸细胞学的质量保证。