- The old building was a labyrinth of dark corridors. 那古老建筑是一座长廊纵横光线昏暗的迷宫。
- perilymphatic labyrinth 外淋巴迷路
- A labyrinth of rules and regulations. 错综复杂的规章和制度
- The old building was a labyrinth with dark corridors. 那座古老建筑是一座长廊纵横光线昏暗的迷宫。
- I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth. 我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。
- A legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth. 代达罗斯著名的艺术家和发明家,是迷宫的建造者
- This patient shows a perilymphatic pattern. 此例显示为淋巴管周围型。
- He hates the labyrinth of rules and regulations. 他讨厌错综复杂的规章制度。
- He wandered through the labyrinth of the alleyways. 他在迷宫似的小巷中闲逛。
- I know the secret of the labyrinth. 我知道拉比林特斯迷宫的秘密。
- Everywhere I looked, a labyrinth meandered. 举目所见,到处是七弯八拐的迷宫。
- To find one's way out of(a labyrinth,for example). 找到走出(比如,一个迷宫)的道路
- To find one's way out of(a labyrinth, for example. 找到走出(比如,一个迷宫)的道路
- We lost our way in the labyrinth of streets. 我们在迷宫式的街道上迷了路。
- We must be clear about the route in the labyrinth. 这迷宫里头的路线可得弄明白。
- Anyway, the labyrinth has many exits. 反正这迷宫有这麼多出口。
- To seek evidence for perilymph cerebrospinal fluid barrier (CSF). 目的:探讨耳蜗外淋巴液(pl)-脑脊液(CSF)屏障存在的直接证据。
- Ellen Olenska: Is New York such a labyrinth? 艾伦·奥兰丝卡:纽约就是这样一座迷宫吗?
- Ask everybody to show a labyrinth. 请各位指点迷津。
- To find one's way out of(a labyrinth, for example). 找到走出(比如,一个迷宫)的道路