- A period piece; period furniture. 时代乐章; 属于某时代的家俱
- The play, which once seemed so modern, has become a period piece. 那出戏,一度似乎相当时新,如今已成明日黄花。
- The play,which once seemed so modern,has become a period piece. 那出戏,一度似乎相当时新,如今已成明日黄花。
- The actor admits there is more than one obstacle to starring in the period piece being shot on a sprawling ranch about 100 km west of Calgary. 他承认在卡尔加里向西100公里的广阔牧场拍片时的确遇到了不少困难。
- With rich, sumptuous sets and a witty, intelligent script, Marquise is a colorful period piece that captures the lusty spirit of the17 th century with its fire, frivolity and passion. 豪华、张的场景,凝练、慧的剧本,《路易十四的情妇》无疑是一部多彩的历史巨制,以其率性和激情抓住了17世纪的奢糜之精髓。
- A fun stylistic twist gaining prominence and becoming "mainstreamed" is the re-interpretation of class period pieces in new, fresh vibrant forms and designs. 有趣而时尚的转换在这场运动中凸显出来,占据了主流位置,以新奇而活力的形式和设计重新诠释了古典元素。
- The play, which once seemed so modern, has become a period piece 那出戏,一度似乎相当时新,如今已成明日黄花
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- The corridors are furnished with beautiful period pieces that further enhance the intimate charm of this elegant building, including period chests of drawers, magnificent watches and extremely valuable pendulum clocks. 酒店的走廊配有雅致的古典装饰,为这优雅的建筑增添韵味:古老的箱柜、华美的钟饰及所费不菲的摆钟。
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。
- He consulted the chronicles of the period. 他参考了这一时期的编年史。
- He had to decide within a given period. 他得在一定时间内作出决定。
- She has a detailed knowledge of this period. 她对这段时期的情况了解地相当详细。
- In that period auto sales hit a14-year low. 这时期汽车销售量达到14年来最低水平。
- In this period, unemployment reaches record levels. 这段时间的失业人数又达到了创纪录水平。
- Which period of history are you studying? 你正在学哪一段历史?
- Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen? 能不能告诉我大概什么时候被偷的?
- Chaucer wrote in the late mediaeval period. 乔叟写作的时代是中世纪末。
- She'll be away for an indefinite period. 她将离开一段时间,何时回来未定。