- periostitis maligna [医] 恶性骨膜炎
- How are elbow muscle nugget and ankle periostitis treated? 手肘肌肉硬块和脚踝骨膜炎怎么治疗?
- The remedial idea with good what does periostitis have? 骨膜炎有什么好的治疗办法?
- Is periostitis ailment of a serious illness? Is remedial period long? 骨膜炎是大病小病?治疗期长么?
- How periostitis maintains and be how periostitis maintains and treated? 骨膜炎怎么保养和治疗啊?
- Results The diagnose accordance rate of CT was 75%in thyroid adenoma,79%in struma nodosa and 73%in struma maligna. 结果CT对甲状腺腺瘤诊断符合率为75%25,对结节性甲状腺肿诊断符合率为79%25,对甲状腺癌诊断符合率为73%25。
- The article offers a particular description of pathogenesis, curative means and preventive measure of crus fatigue periostitis. 本文从小腿疲劳性骨膜炎的发病机理、疗方法和预防措施等方面进行了阐述。
- Using maligna nt transection ratio ( -1s ) as diagnostic threshold, the sensitivity , specificity and accuracy were 84.85% , 88.89% and 85.71% , respectiv ely. 以恶性组横断层T/N值 x -1s为诊断阈值 ;其诊断灵敏度、特异度、准确性分别为 84.;85%25、88
- Results Normal biological characteristics and cell function could be maintai ned in non-tumorigenic transformed cell, but it was changed markedly in maligna nt transformed cell. 结果一般转化细胞无致瘤性,大都能保持其正常细胞的生物学特性和功能,而恶性转化细胞其生物学特性和功能明显改变。
- Crus fatigue periostitis is a sort of familiar sports injury,including shinbone fatigue periostitis and fibula fatigue periostitis. 小腿疲劳性骨膜炎是一种常见的运动性损伤,包括胫骨疲劳性骨膜炎和腓骨疲劳性骨膜炎。
- Shank periostitis is very popular and frequently occurs among some college candidates of PE who take part in physical training in the initial stage. 小腿胫骨骨膜炎是一些体育考生在运动训练初期的常见病和多发病。
- Conclusion It is a good method for treating scaphoid bone nonunion by transposition of pedicled periost eal flap. 良7例,占27%25。结论以骨间前动脉腕背支为蒂的骨膜瓣转位修复手舟骨骨不连,疗效满意。
- The article offers a particular description of pathogenesis,curative means and preventive measure of crus fatigue periostitis. 本文从小腿疲劳性骨膜炎的发病机理、治疗方法和预防措施等方面进行了阐述。
- The first plastic surgery with self cranial bone outer table with periost peduncle had been carried out to repair severe cephalo-orbital injury. 采用带骨膜蒂的自体颅骨外板一次成形术修复严重颅眶损伤。
- Congenital Syphilis will the next generation suffering from congenital syphilis, resulting in stunting, periostitis, deafness, as well as diseases of the nervous system. 胎传梅毒会使下一代患先天性梅毒,造成发育不良、骨膜炎、耳聋,以及神经系统疾病。
- Methods: Orthomorphia of maxillary protrusion was be done by creeping osteotomy in the case of both lip and palate lateral mu-cosa - periost not be amputated. 方法:在唇腭侧粘骨膜均不离断的情况下于上颌骨中份潜行截骨离断,形成以唇侧粘骨膜与腭侧粘骨膜为蒂的含上颌骨前份、上前牙和粘骨膜等的复合组织瓣,进行上颌前突畸形整复术。
- We used 3-0 non-invasive thread for intradermal suture and fixed the eyebrow to the superciliary periost, then double eyelid construction was performed to remove the superfluous skin of upper eyelid in 23 patients with upper eyelid cutis laxa. 方法:应用3-0无损伤线皮内缝合,固定眉于眉骨骨膜上,再结合重睑成形术去除上睑多余的皮肤,治疗23例上睑皮肤松弛患者。
- amelanotic lenigo maligna melanoma 无黑素性雀斑样痣性恶性黑素瘤
- Methods: We used 3-0 non-invasive thread for intradermal suture and fixed the eyebrow to the superciliary periost, then double eyelid construction was performed to remove the superfluous skin of upper eyelid in 23 patients with upper eyelid cutis laxa. 方法:应用3-0无损伤线皮内缝合,固定眉于眉骨骨膜上,再结合重睑成形术去除上睑多余的皮肤,治疗23例上睑皮肤松弛患者。