- Basal cell hyperplasia is usually seen in the transition zone. Occasionally, it may be encountered in needle biopsies (which sample peripheral zone). 基底细胞增生通常见于前列腺移行区。在前列腺针刺活检标本中偶尔可以见到。
- The peripheral zone was characterized by diffuse lymphoid tissue, which consisted of tightly packed lymphocytes. 外周区则以淋巴细胞排列密集的弥散性淋巴组织为特征。
- The peripheral zone of posterior capsule in 19 eyes (30.65%) appeared opacitas with varying degrees. 8 eyes (12.90%) had fibrous membrane. 19只眼(30.;65%25)周边部后囊膜不同程度混浊,8只眼(12
- Prostate is localized in secluding locus, so prostate carcinoma frequently occurred in peripheral zone that is far away urethra. 前列腺位置隐蔽,癌多发生在远离尿道的周边区,无特异临床症状。
- Pea tipically appears low signal intensity in peripheral zone at T2 weighted imaging(T2WI),while the signal intensity of BPH varies according to histopathologic characters. MRI平扫表明Pca主要表现为T2加权像(T2WI)外周腺区出现低-等信号灶,BPH的信号改变则根据其增生组织的病理特征而不同。
- The target appearance was seen in only 2 schwannomas and 1 NPNST,in which the central zone of them composed of tightly packed fibers accompanied by areas of calcification in the latter,the peripheral zone of the tumors composed of loosen mucus. 肿瘤信号多欠均匀 ,T2 wi呈“靶征”者 3例 ,2例神经鞘瘤靶心有较多纤维组织 ,靶周明显水肿、粘液变性 ,1例MPNST靶心有较多纤维组织和部分钙化。
- Sonography is helpful for categorizing a palpable inguinal mass. Most lymph nodes are ovoid. They typically have an echogenic central area and a hypoechoic peripheral zone (Figure 20 ). 超声对可触及的腹股沟肿块的分类非常有帮助。大多数淋巴结是卵圆形的,一般表现为中央区呈等回声和周围区呈低回声(图20).
- Sonography is helpful for categorizing a palpable inguinal mass. Most lymph nodes are ooid. They typically hae an echogenic central area and a hypoechoic peripheral zone (Figure 20 ). 超声对可触及的腹股沟肿块的分类非常有帮助。大多数淋巴结是卵圆形的,一般表现为中央区呈等回声和周围区呈低回声(图20).
- Histological analyses in 155 plants demonstrate that 1) CZ of 10-day-old seedlings in 155 was almost flat, which was not as vaulted as C24. 2) At day 21, the CZ was vaulted, but the PZ (peripheral zone) lost its original uphill hogback. 突变体茎顶端分生组织(shoot apical meristem,SAM)的石蜡切片观察表明:1)10d苗龄155的SAM扁平,不像野生型形成拱形; 2)21d时,155的SAM和C24一样呈拱形,但是SAM的两侧PZ(peripheral zone)较野生型平坦。
- Briefly presents the conceptions of system zoning and peripheral zone depth which are often encountered in the design of VAV systems, and recommends some zoning methods. 摘要概要介绍了变风量空调系统设计中常见的空调分区和外区进深的概念,推荐了一些分区的方法。
- Air conditioning system is all-air VAV system with inner and peripheral zoning, controlled by constant static pressure point at single duct. 空调风系统为内外分区的全空气变风量系统,变风量系统采用单风道定静压点控制,风机变频,标准层采用环形风道。
- The office zones in standard floors adopt four-pipe water system, VAV air conditioning system and radiator heating system, and inner and peripheral zones sharing the same VAV unit. 办公区采用四管制、变风量系统加散热器供暖系统,且内外区共用同一机组;
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- Surgery for cavernous hemangioma in the peripheral zone of the obex 闩部周围区域海绵状血管瘤的手术治疗
- Supplies were parachuted into the earthquake zone. 救援物资已空投到地震区。
- Some people live in Torrid Zone. 有些人生活在热带。
- I'd like to see Europe as a nuclear-free zone. 我希望欧洲成为无核区。
- The troops detrained near the battle zone. 部队在战区附近下了火车。
- Economic Characteristics of Peripheral Zone of Bohai Sea in Ming Dynasty 明朝时期环渤海地区经济发展的特点
- They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone. 他们正把部队调离战区。