- permanent funding vehicles 长期性融资工具
- An endowed fund is a gift made to the Permanent Fund of The Rotary Foundation of RI. 一项捐助基金是一种赠予国际扶轮扶轮基金会之永久基金。
- Encourage every Rotarian to support the Permanent Fund of our Foundation by contributing a percentage of their assets. 鼓励每位扶轮社员捐献其百分之几的资产来支持扶轮基金会永久基金。
- Support the Permanent Fund Initiative by securing at least two new bequest commitments. 藉由取得至少2个新的遗赠捐献承诺,来支持永久基金行动。
- A gift of any amount can be contributed to the Permanent Fund and can come from the donor's current assets or be designated by bequest. 任何金额的一项捐款都可捐给永久基金,不论从捐献人目前的存款或经由遗赠指定。
- A: The Permanent Fund Initiative identified an eventual US$1 billion dream and set a short-term goal of raising$500 million by2005. 答:永久基金行动已经设定终极目标为10亿美元,并设定至2005年的一个筹募5亿美元的短期目标。
- The Trustees have requested every district to identify a specific goal for both Annual Programs Fund and Permanent Fund giving. 基金管理委员会还要求每个地区都要确定年度计划基金和永久基金的明确捐献目标.
- On the other hand, the Permanent Fund guarantees the future of Rotary International service, and the perpetuity of our Foundation. 永久基金是扶輪基金會的永久資產,也是保障扶輪服務能夠永久持續下去的力量。
- The Permanent Fund is an endowed fund that is invested in perpetuity, with a percentage of the total value of the fund spent annually to benefit TRF's programs. 永久基金是一种捐助基金,针对扶轮永续经营而投资,每年以基金总额的某一百分比运用于扶轮基金会各项计划。
- So, the Foundation has turned their weight on the Permanent fund, as it is untouchable. This is our golden dream for Rotary. That is to strengthen our Permanent Fund. 為了因應此危機,永久基金也成為了基金會需要去更加重視及加強的一塊。這是我們的夢想的一部份,也是扶輪完成夢想的重要基金。
- CIC is understood to be looking at investments in single-manager funds alongside a “core” investment in fund of funds vehicles. 据信,中投公司正在研究以基金的基金工具为“核心”投资,同时投资于单个经理人的基金。
- Fifty percent of general earnings from Permanent Fund gifts will be credited to the donor district's DDF, if so requested by the donor at the time the donation is made. 如捐献者于捐献时提出要求,永久基金捐献总获利的50%25将可归入捐献者所属地区的地区指定基金。
- To see potential donors who could, and would if given the opportunity; endow a significant gift to our Permanent Fund to help secure our Rotary Foundation's future. 找出可能的捐献者,并给其机会,捐赠一个有意义的捐献给我们的金以确保扶轮基金会的未来。
- Please note that endowed gifts are subject to the Trustees' Permanent Fund spending policy, which can fluctuate and affect the rate at which endowed fellowships become available. 请注意,捐赠捐献要遵从保管委员会的永久基金支出政策,因此,在捐赠奖学金可用之时,会因利率波动有所变动而遭到影响。
- During Phase I, we are seeking US$50 million (1 July 2005 ? 30 June 2010) in Permanent Fund gifts and commitments, with an additional US$5 million in contributions for one-time named Rotary World Peace Fellowships. 在第一阶段期间,我们正在寻找5,000万美元永久基金捐献与承诺(2005年7月1日至2010年6月30日),以及额外500万美元的一次冠名扶轮世界和平奖学金。
- The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 机动车禁止通行。
- This road is closed to motor vehicles. 这条路机动车不准通行。
- All manner of vehicles were used. 使用了各种车辆。
- The new style gallops engine which and the old funds vehicle type happily 1.4 vehicle types embark is exactly the same. 新款乐骋1.;4车型所搭载的发动机与老款车型如出一辙。
- Nothing can assure permanent happiness. 没有什么东西能确保永久的幸福。