- permanent land expropriation 永久征地
- Just Compensation for Land Expropriation:Dream or Reality? 土地征收:公平补偿离我们有多远?
- The third part focuses on the land expropriation procedures. 第三部分主要论述了土地征收的程序。
- During the process of urbanization the chief question is Land expropriation. 城镇化遇到的首要问题就是征地问题。
- The fourth part focuses on the land expropriation compensation system. 第四部分主要论述了土地征收的补偿制度。
- The current land expropriation system in China needs further reform. 研究结论中国现行征地制度需要进一步改革。
- In Indonesia, the Chinese are discr iminated.The ethnic Chinese are not permitted to have&n bsp;permanent land title. 来自巴西或德国的印尼人不会被剥夺在政府部分工作的权利。
- Key words: country; farmer; collective owned land; land expropriation compensation; character. 关键词]农村;农民;集体土地;征地补偿;性质
- One of important parts in land expropriation is land requisition value-substitute. 土地征收制度重要的内容之一就是对征收土地进行补偿。
- With the development of market economy, the defects of land expropriation system have come to be obvious. 在市场经济不断发展的今天,我国的土地征收制度越来越暴露出其不足之处。
- The system of compensation for land expropriation is an important law system to resolve these rights conflicts. 土地征收补偿便是调节、衡平和解决这些权益冲突的一项重要法律制度。
- Therefore, to reform and improve the current land expropriation system is imperative. 因此,改革和完善现行土地征收制度势在必行。
- Part two examines the foreign compensation system of land expropriation and its impact on our country. 第二部分则主要介绍了域外的土地征收补偿标准及其对我国的启示。
- Land expropriation is a kind of land policy widely adopted by many countries in the world. 土地征收是当今世界各国比较普遍采用的一种土地制度。
- The theory of agricultural land conversion is an important proposition advanced in the course of land expropriation. 摘要土地征用过程中的农地非农化理论是土地征用过程提出的重大命题。
- The second part focuses on the purpose of the land expropriation, which is the public interest needs. 第二部分主要论述了土地征收的目的,即公共利益的需要。
- So, further improving the regulation of land expropriation is very much demanding facing such flinty conditions. 面对如此严峻的形势,进一步完善土地征收立法已经势在必行。
- However, as the innovation constantly goes deeper, the current land expropriation policy has lagged behind the development of the market economy. 然而,随着改革的不断深入,现行征地制度已明显滞后于市场经济的发展。
- In this article, from legal angle, the writer discussed the defects of land expropriation system and made suggestions on amelioration of law. 本文从法律角度阐述了我国土地征收制度存在的弊端,对如何完善相关立法提出了具体的建议。
- In Indonesia, the Chinese are discriminated. The ethnic Chinese are not permitted to have permanent land title. The same restriction does NOT apply to Caucasian from the United States, however. 在印尼,华人是受歧视的。