- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。
- She accepted their tribute graciously. 她慈祥地接受了他们的致意。
- All the guests were graciously served at the party. 宴会上所有客人都受到殷勤款待。
- You can't work here without a work permit. 你没有许可证就不能在这里工作。
- He will permit no contradiction. 他决不允许有异议。
- The windows permit light and air to enter. 这些窗户采光及通风性能良好。
- If weather permit, we will go to the park tomorrow. 如果天气好的话,明天我们去公园。
- The facts permit of no other explanation. 事实不容许作其他解释。
- He have applied for a residence permit. 他已为获得居留证作了申请。
- I don't think they would permit this. 我想他们不会准许这事。
- I will write another novel if my eyes permit. 如果我的视力许可,我还要再写一本小说。
- Have you got a permit to fish in this lake? 你有在这个湖里钓鱼的许可证吗?
- The situation does not permit of any delay. 情势刻不容缓。
- The council will not permit you to build here. 委员会不会允许你们在这一带搞建筑。
- I will teach you English provided circumstances permit. 假如情况允许的话,我就教你英语。
- The new road system permit the free flow of traffic at all times. 新的道路系统可使车辆在任何时候都畅通无阻。
- The ethics of his profession do not permit him to do that. 他的职业道德不容许他那样做。
- Do you need a permit to photograph on the Acropolis? 在雅典卫城上拍照需要许可证吗?
- He graciously declined all the visits. 他婉言谢绝了一切来访。
- These stores do not permit sales of alcoholic beverages. 这些商店不准出售含酒精饮料。