- Capsule with persistent calyx, loculicidal. 蒴果具宿萼,室背开裂。
- Fruit ovoid, 2-2.5 cm long, persistent calyx 1-1.3 cm long. 果卵形,长2-2.;5厘米,宿萼长1-1
- Capsule included in persistent calyx, loculicidally dehiscent. 蒴果包含在宿萼内,室背开裂。
- Fruit a drupe, crowned with persistent calyx and disk. 果为核果,上面有宿存的萼片和花盘。
- Drupe red, ellipsoid, 4-5 mm, often enclosed in persistent calyx. 核果红色,椭圆形,4-5毫米,通常被宿存萼包围。
- Capsule oblong, included in persistent calyx, septicidal. 蒴果长圆形,在宿萼内包括,室间开裂。
- Fruit a berry, subglobular to ovate, apex often with persistent calyx lobes. 果一浆果,近球形与卵形,通常先端具宿存的萼裂片的。
- Capsules subtended by persistent calyx, dehiscent into 2 leathery valves. 蒴果以宿萼被包着,进2革质的裂爿开裂。
- Capsule globose, 6 cm in diam., wrapped with persistent calyx, dehiscent in 5 valves. 蒴果球形,直径6厘米,有宿萼包裹,5爿裂开。
- Capsule ovoid, 6-8 mm long, more or less glandular hairy, coarsely tuberculate; persistent calyx lobes often revolute and shrinking. 蒴果卵圆形,长6-8毫米,多少被腺毛,有粗糙的小疣状凸起;宿存花萼裂片常反卷和皱缩。
- Leaf blade leathery; pistillode conic to cylindric; drupes indehiscent, enclosed by persistent calyx lobes. 叶片卵形到近圆形,先端钝,短渐尖,或骤尖;瘦果宽卵形或近球形,略带紫色的点或瘤状。
- Fruit blackish purple, globose, ca. 3 mm in diam., apically with a persistent calyx rim. 果微黑的紫色,球状,直径约3毫米,顶部由于一持久的花萼凸缘。
- Fruit an indehiscent berry or operculate capsule, often crowned by persistent calyx lobes. 果为不裂的浆果或者具盖的蒴果,通常顶上有宿存的萼裂片。
- Fruit enclosed in enlarged persistent calyx, endocarp bony, exocarp thin.Seeds oblong. 在扩大的宿萼,内果皮骨质里的果内藏,外果皮薄。
- Capsule dehiscing septicidally, long ellipsoid, compressed, with a persistent calyx. 蒴果开裂室间开裂,长椭圆形,压扁,具一宿萼。
- Fruit drupes, fleshy, red when mature, black when dry, crowned with persistent calyx teeth, style, and stigma. 核果,肉质,成熟时红色,干燥后黑色,有宿存花萼、花柱和柱头。
- Definition: Persimmon Calyx is the dried persistent calyx of Diospyros kaki Thunb. (Fam.Ebenaceae). 本品为柿树科植物柿 Diospyros kaki Thunb.;的干燥宿萼。
- A Chinese tree(Diospyros kaki) having large,edible,orange to reddish fruit with orange flesh and an enlarged,persistent calyx. 柿树一种中国柿树,(柿树属柿),有大的、可食的桔黄色至红色的果实,果肉呈桔黄色;带有扩大的宿存花萼
- A Chinese tree(Diospyros kaki)having large, edible, orange to reddish fruit with orange flesh and an enlarged, persistent calyx. 柿树一种中国柿树,(柿树属柿),有大的、可食的桔黄色至红色的果实,果肉呈桔黄色;带有扩大的宿存花萼